
autobiography (145), Canada (105), fiction (87), theory (85), America (66), mountaineering (49), popular culture (27), feminism (21), children (21), adventure (21), aboriginal (19), cultural studies (15), mystery (15), criticism (14), Doukhobor (14), biography (13), graphic memoir (12), history (11), guide (9), cyberculture (9), diary (8), poetry (8), book history (7), United Kingdom (7), anthology (7), racism (6), fantasy (6), France (5), gender (5), disaster (5), internet (5), memoir (4), Russia (4), economics (4), poker (4), travel (4), queer (4), American (3), Australian (3), publishing (3), cooking (3), Sweden (3), philosophy (3), second life (3), novel (3), religion (3), community (3), Disney (2), holocaust (2), essays (2), humour (2), Christian (2), film (2), Ireland (2), ecocriticism (2), ethics (2), disability (2), style guide (2), Holocaust (2), drama (2), ecology (2), documentary (2), teen (2), exercise (1), Romanticism (1), anthropology (1), lesbian (1), phenomenology (1), allegory (1), television (1), reading (1), modernism (1), Canadian (1), Marxism (1), German (1), Guatemala (1), fiction; England (1), twitter (1), publishing; book history (1), Canada; queer; short stories (1), graphic book; memoir (1), American; memoir (1), folklore (1), academic (1), politics (1), slave narrative (1), psychoanalysis (1), postcolonial (1), outdoors (1), food (1), porn (1), Australia (1), autism (1), Japan (1), genre (1), self-help (1), historiography (1), self help (1), globalization (1), subjectivity (1), imposter (1), menstruation (1), Maritimes (1), blogs (1), cookbook (1), Haiti (1), fraud (1), celebrity (1), methodology (1), slavery (1), Watertown (1), class (1), reality tv (1), dystopia (1), Portugual (1), mountaineering; Canada; biography; history (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Apr 1, 2008
La mia biblioteca
It's a mixture of favourite old books, books for work and books for fun. See if you can guess which is which!
Informazione su di me
I'm a book worm from way back. I read and write for a living...I consider myself very lucky to have the job that I do.

Connessioni ad altri utenti

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