
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Mar 16, 2011
Nome vero
JG Faherty
La mia biblioteca
Will always be incomplete. If I was to list every book I've read and enjoyed, I'd probably never get any writing done! I'm an avid reader, and before I began writing I usually read 4-5 books per week. Now it's a lot less than that, but I've always got 2-3 going at any one time.
Informazione su di me
I am the author of THE CURE, CARNIVAL OF FEAR, GHOSTS OF CORONADO BAY, and 11 other novels/novellas, as well as more than 50 short stories.

I've had a varied career, which provides a rich background for my writing. I currently own a resume preparation company, and before that I worked as a laboratory manager, R&D scientist, accident scene photographer, zoo keeper, salesman, and anatomy instructor.

A life-long fan of horror and dark fiction, I enjoy reading, watching bad horror and sci-fi movies, golfing, hiking, volunteering as an exotic animal caretaker, and playing the guitar. My favorite holiday is Halloween, and as a child, one of my local playgrounds was an 18th century cemetery - many people feel this explains a lot!

I am a member of several writers' organizations, and I currently direct the Horror Writers Association's Library & Literacy Program.

You can visit me at www.jgfaherty.com,www.twitter.com/jgfaherty, or www.facebook/jgfaherty.
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