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La mia biblioteca
I'm a big fan of dystopian and speculative fiction, but I also have a tendency to find one author I love and read the heck out of them. Those would include Octavia Butler, Truman Capote, John Irving, Orson Scott Card, Cormac McCarthy and Stephen King.
Informazione su di me
I came here when I noticed someone on a bulletin board that I read mentioned doing the 50 Book Challenge at LibraryThing.com...and I thought "Wait...that can NOT be a coincidence." And apparently, it's not. Someone created a discussion group here based off of the LiveJournal community that I created in 2003 called 50bookchallenge as a way to track my reading goals and encourage others to do so as well. So...OMG, I'm an internet meme! :D
Hudson, PA
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