
fiction (283), readonly (89), science fiction (82), humor (68), cooking (54), ya (35), history (29), manga (29), fantasy (26), short stories (21), graphic novel (17), japanese (16), comics (13), read only (13), south carolina (12), library (10), language (10), puzzles (8), food (8), picture book (7), japan (7), work (7), american history (7), art (7), dictionary (6), biography (6), oral history (6), politics (5), popular culture (5), anime (5), chinese cooking (5), etiquette (5), african american (5), baking (5), travel (4), mystery (4), japanese language (4), women (4), mexican cooking (4), culinary history (4), American history (3), mathematics (3), self-help (3), kid's cooking (3), comic (3), horror (3), comedy (3), astronomy (3), trivia (3), cross stitch (2), quotes (2), YA (2), design (2), photography (2), bartending (2), muppets (2), mediterranean cooking (2), crock pot (2), crafts (2), food history (2), cleaning (2), cartoons (2), cookbook (2), poems (2), spices (2), rice (2), japanese cooking (2), sex (2), dvd (2), vampires (2), science (2), historical fiction (2), thriller (2), feminism (2), Columbia (2), autobiography (1), textbook (1), cheese (1), cultural studies (1), zombies (1), automobile (1), occult (1), cars (1), african-american cooking (1), russian humor (1), mango (1), sesame street (1), linguistics (1), artichokes (1), scandinavian cooking (1), African-American cooking (1), historical (1), Hello Kitty (1), cuban cooking (1), crepes (1), string fingers (1), toilets (1), gothic (1), art nouveau (1), information science (1), suspense (1), german cooking (1), juvenile (1), Art (1), spanish (1), Korea (1), charleston (1), urban fantasy (1), new orleans (1), environment (1), civil war (1), southern cooking (1), speculative (1), space (1), detective (1), herbs (1), script (1), color (1), business (1), epistolary (1), verse (1), drinks (1), thai cooking (1), chicken (1), social history (1), health (1), management (1), christmas (1), web design (1), dinosaurs (1), cats (1), garden (1), burlesque (1), sugar (1), poverty (1), Japan (1), chocolate (1), superheroes (1), math (1), stickers (1), shipwreck (1), canada (1), wine (1), knitting (1), immigrants (1), style guide (1), flowers (1), camping (1), folk stories (1), home buying (1), vegetarian cooking (1), architecture (1), historical cooking (1), caribbean (1), reference (1), Indian cooking (1), anthropology (1), breakfast (1), Jewish cooking (1), desserts (1), sociology (1), new york (1), cookies (1), grilling (1), housework (1), visual communication (1), curry (1), housekeeping (1), miyazaki (1), numbers (1), tattoos (1), nursery rhymes (1), libraries (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 13, 2006
La mia biblioteca
This is the catalog for books I own that I have gotten my hands on recently-many may still be lingering at my parent's house (That's what they are for right? Free storage space for life) Budgetary and spacial limitations as well as fortuitous library proximity (ie, I work at not one but two) force me to borrow many books instead of buying. Books that I have read but do not own are tagged readonly.
Columbia, SC
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