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La mia biblioteca
After a series of unfortunate (real life) events, I was forced to wander the world with only a small sampling of my library readily available to me (the bulk being boxed up and stored in various non-accessible locations). However, my husband and I recently bought a home that we plan to be in for a long while and I was able to bring all my old friends out of storage. Joy! Bliss! Contentment! They've all been catalogued (well, for the most part - I think there may be an outstanding box or bag or two hiding out) and next begins the task of organizing and shelving.

I am insanely lucky to have two guardian-book-angels in the persons of my aunt and uncle, two retired librarians who have found and bestowed upon me many firsts and collector's editions of books penned by my favorite authors. I also have stubbornly held on to many of my childhood favorites in the hopes of one day passing them on to my own children. But let's be honest, there are a lot of dragons, vampires, and wizards up in here...
Informazione su di me
As the only child of a voracious reader, I filled my days with reading. I mean, I did other things too - but I could walk to the local public library without crossing the street, so my mom was happy to give me free rein to visit as often as I liked.

I also spent many evenings in the back room of the local community college library; my mom was taking night classes and dropped me off with my uncle, who worked the evening shift there as a librarian. I have fond memories of playing on the typewriter and exploring the stacks when the office got too boring (it was the 80s, so I was afforded a measure of freedom that seems almost unimaginable to me as a parent today).

The first summer I stayed home alone (rather than going to daycare), I was probably around 10 or 11 years old. My mom used to tell the story that she was nervous about letting me stay home alone for the first time, until she got home that first day and asked me what I did to occupy myself. When I told her I'd gone down to the public library and volunteered to be a page twice a week, she knew I was going to be alright. That was a fun summer :)

In non-book-related news, I am a wife and mother to twin toddlers - one boy, one girl. They have non-literary names, because my husband wouldn't let me name my daughter Rowan. I love to sing and we try to keep our home filled with music. My greatest sorrow is that my mom didn't live to see her beautiful grandchildren - and I miss her profoundly.
Maple Valley, WA
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