
picture book (178), fairy tales (54), Sonlight 3 (36), autumn (34), Caldecott (33), juvenile fiction (28), Newbery (25), first (25), Elliot (24), Gabby (21), Tessa (20), board book (20), Sonlight 1 (20), fantasy (19), young adult (17), autumn stack (16), apples (16), chicken stack (16), friendship (16), Sonlight 4 (16), chickens (16), pumpkins (16), Maurice Sendak (15), pumpkins stack (15), apples stack (15), fall (15), life cycle (12), poetry (12), leaves (11), signed (11), humor (11), mystery (11), Halloween (10), picture puzzles (10), homeschool (10), Barbara Cooney (10), rhyming (10), Susan Jeffers (9), Laura Ingalls Wilder (9), FIAR (9), detective (9), mathematics (8), historical fiction (8), I Spy (8), Monica Wellington (8), art (7), RightStart (7), Mystery (7), folk tales (7), Lauren Mills (7), Sisters Grimm (7), cats (7), American History (6), Trina Schart Hyman (6), alphabet (6), Sonlight 2 (6), counting (5), Christmas (5), October (5), fairies (5), Jane Ray (5), witches (5), Gyo Fujikawa (5), Percy Jackson (5), illustrated (5), Garth Williams (5), colors (5), baking (5), dolls (4), harvest (4), biography (4), gardening (4), pirates (4), winter (4), fruit (4), trees (4), seeds (4), one word (4), rabbits (3), Paul O. Zelinsky (3), Third Grade Detectives (3), David Small (3), mythology (3), Printz (3), HC (3), preschool (3), pioneer (3), Mercer Mayer (3), folktales (3), origami (3), siblings (3), eggs (3), Kevin Henkes (3), cooking (3), magic (3), bravery (3), monsters (3), history (3), orphans (3), Japan (3), baby (3), family (3), seasons (2), separation (2), Lloyd Alexander (2), Russia (2), bullying (2), pets (2), fears (2), fairy tale (2), Thumbelina (2), neighborhood (2), children's literature (2), creativity (2), non-fiction (2), community (2), illustration (2), world history (2), space (2), David Shannon (2), dystopia (2), goblins (2), dinosaurs (2), Steven Kellogg (2), knights (2), 19th century (2), farming (2), pies (2), tea (2), animals (2), transportation (2), dogs (2), elves (2), Hans Christian Andersen (2), Early Reader (2), Inga Moore (2), farm (2), Jim LaMarche (2), songs (2), Mary GrandPre (2), Sonlight Science 4 (2), jealousy (2), geography (2), kindness (2), paint (2), babies (2), mice (2), dragons (2), individuality (2), coming of age (2), monkeys (2), Chronicles of Narnia (2), imagination (2), China (2), Diane Dawson Hearn (2), anthology (2), Helen Lester (2), self-esteem (2), cookbook (2), cooperation (2), hats (2), garbage (1), Boxcar Children (1), painting (1), night (1), traditions (1), pioneer life (1), homeschool. CD (1), travel (1), Phoebe Wahl (1), gifts (1), Matisse (1), book group (1), plot (1), crows (1), hedgehogs (1), O. Henry (1), Kandinsky (1), snails (1), writing (1), September (1), survival (1), hike (1), school (1), National Book Award (1), Cyndy Szekeres (1), Jaqueline K. Ogburn (1), books (1), Hilary Knight (1), David Catrow (1), American fiction (1), Marianna Mayer (1), Gail Gibbons (1), AR (1), British (1), India (1), Peter Reynolds (1), Cynthia Voigt (1), Taro Gomi (1), grief (1), National Book Award Finalist Children's Fiction (1), 20th century fiction (1), Canada (1), death (1), Brothers Grimm (1), Ezra Jack Keats Award (1), Asian American (1), ghosts (1), football (1), Beauty and the Beast (1), love (1), November (1), Anne Rockwell (1), holiday (1), poems (1), picture puzzle (1), clothing (1), science fiction (1), Thanksgiving (1), lizards (1), farm animals (1), shipwrecked (1), boats (1), ocean (1), tigers (1), birthdays (1), sharing (1), bear (1), nursery rhymes (1), scarecrows (1), Johnny Appleseed (1), presents (1), nursery rhyme (1), Australia (1), hiking (1), body parts (1), illness (1), Greece (1), prodigy (1), fireman (1), river (1), bears (1), snow (1), ships (1), whales (1), wolves (1), bunnies (1), nuts (1), yellow (1), confidence (1), artists (1), moon (1), nutrition (1), immigration (1), dinner (1), feelings (1), middle reader (1), Emily Dickinson (1), conflict (1), nightmares (1), poverty (1), Tillerman Series (1), first day of school (1), peacock (1), dollhouses (1), Harry Potter (1), gifted (1), roosters (1), justice (1), coats (1), murals (1), tree houses (1), Great Wall of China (1), New York City (1), Chinese New Year (1), Cynthia Rylant (1), sense of smell (1), wordless book (1), neighbors (1), Valentine's Day (1), cookies (1), math (1), soup (1), estimation (1), Jan Brett (1), greed (1), five senses (1), etchings (1), squirrels (1), curriculum (1), nests (1), Picasso (1), Autumn (1), colonial life (1), acceptance (1), growth (1), jack-o-lanterns (1), mischief (1), bats (1), rainbows (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 31, 2011
La mia biblioteca
The first picture book I added to my collection (we did not have the money to afford many books when I was a child) was given to me by my sister as a high school graduation gift. "Where the Wild Things Are" was meant as a joke due to the number of times I read it to a young boy I babysat for. However, it sparked an interest in the art of Maurice Sendak and I began to collect his work. From there, you can guess what happened. Now, I have many picture books. Some reflect the tastes of the children. Clever tales and humor for the oldest, mysteries and nonfiction for the boy, and lavishly illustrated fairy tales for the youngest. I meet with a group of local university professors, writers, and illustrators once a month to discuss children's lit. I try to keep up with the "winners"(Newbery Caldecott, Printz, and Nat'l Book Award) and stay current with juvenile fiction and young adult titles. Many books in my collection are homeschool in nature. Despite not being a Christian, we use the Sonlight curriculum and tweak it to fit our needs. As I get more comfortable with teaching at home, I am branching out.
Informazione su di me
A woman recently told me that her husband said of her: "My wife's idea of decorating is to add another bookshelf." Me, too! I love books: to read them, touch them, smell them, and to own lots of them! Every room in the house should have books so that a book is never far away. A book is a door to another world, a security blanket, an escape, and often in possession of an epiphany. Books are like people: full of life, exquisite beauty in all its forms, and all the feeling of the world. Lately, I have taken to reading a lot of nonfiction but my first passion is children's literature. I have three children, ages 11, 9, and 6. They afford me many opportunities to expand my collection. I had planned on being a librarian (and maybe I will still be someday) but a very special soul interrupted those plans and new ones were made. Her first laugh was so boisterous and beautiful, I can only imagine what glorious fairy it gave birth to. I am into my third year of homeschooing this different drummer while the other two are currently in public school. (Athletic Math Boy and Thinks She is a Princess) I love to cook, garden, and take my Scrabble very seriously. I live in the beautiful mountains of Southwest Virginia where I came to college and "met my match" in one of the local boys (farmer boy meets absent minded professor). We once moved away for a year and found it very much not to our liking. A Midwest girl by birth, a military girl by upbringing, but home in these mountains that feel like they are hugging me, talking to me, and ever mysterious.
Blacksburg, VA
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