
Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Oct 18, 2006
La mia biblioteca
These 200 or so books arent all the books I own; but they are the ones I keep on the frontrow on my bookshelf; I also have about 20 books with the name "Eddings" on them, and about twice as many "Dragonlance" and "Forgotten Realms" books, most of which I have left unmarked in my catalogue - mainly because I no longer read them.

Some of the books marked are infact in some other language than english or french or spanish, I simply could not find the finnish version of the book, but felt I wanted to mark it up in my cataloque never the less.

I also read - and buy - manga and american comics. I have about 40 books of manga in my cataloque at the moment, something that will probaply chance in the coming days, to be replaced by books that arent just [name n+1].
Informazione su di me
I started reading Tarzan when I was 8 years old, and started being interested in fantasy when I hit my teens; I started reading in english when I was 14 and have since then collected ridiculous ammount of fantasybooks I nowadays would rather forget I own.

South Finland
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