Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I love modern fiction written by women. I realised this after scanning my bookshelves! Ann Tyler is top of my list. I buy paperbacks or loan from the public library. I am hesitant about joining a book club as I cannot read books that I would never choose myself. I am trying to widen the range of books I read with the help of BCF members.
I still haven't completed adding all the books in the house yet.
Informazione su di me
I read every day usually at bed time as the day is so busy with kids and work etc. I read intensively on holiday and take a large collection with me. I have a husband and 2 children. My children of 20 and19 have picked up the reading bug and I believe its the foundation of their fantastic intellect and vocabulary.

London UK
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In lettura ora
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Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Two Jays Bookshop

Biblioteche: Bob Lawrence Library, Kenton Library, Wealdstone Library

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