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Lizanne Alcazaren
La mia biblioteca
Steep in psychology, philosophy, spirituality, parenting, health, literature, theology, women's issues, reference books, new age, mythology, poetry, inspirationals and motivationals, science fiction cum graphic novels (particularly Neil Gaiman's), interior design books, cookbooks and self-help. Personally, I'm not too big on fiction, but my 13-year old daughter, Zoe is, so we have a lot of that too. There's also a rich supply of teenage self improvement/empowerment/discovery books and the classics. I have a 7 year old boy, Nikos, with an auditory memory delay so there's a large collection of children's books (which he mostly inherited from his sister although he has his own personal selection which is skewed particularly for boys) and a rather healthy stash of educational materials. Hubby, Mike, a tv commercial director, enjoys film making, photography, history, war, biographies, politics and men's issues. We have a number of business, finance and management books which I'm afraid is gathering dust. I estimate about 4000 books in our library and I'm greedy for more.
Informazione su di me
On the "essential-to-living" scale, books is right up there with food and oxygen for me. One day I hope to open a small library for the underpriviledged in our community. I get high in libraries, bookstores and searching through amazon for my next fix!!! I'd like my tombstone to read: She was a mother who taught us how to fly.
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