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La mia biblioteca
My library mostly (entirely?) contains Young Adult books, because I am a young adult myself. :) I only put books that I own (and of course I have read) in my library.
Informazione su di me
I came across LibraryThing by accident. I was googling a book I was reading when I suddenly clicked on this site. I didn't know such a site existed, but I liked it all the same. I hope I can make some friends here.

I've been reading since I was a small kid, but I must admit I wasn't that much of a book lover then. And until now, I'm still choosy when it comes to books. I especially like Young Adult books, and in fact I think my library contains only YA books. Why, I am a Young Adult myself!

Trivia: I always read one book at a time. I don't like reading multiple books at once. And, I hate it when people tell me how a book ends before I even finsih that book. For instance, I got really annoyed when a friend of mine just blurted out the ending of Deathly Hallows before I even started! (He searched it in Wikipedia, that's how he knew.) :))
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