
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 31, 2007
La mia biblioteca
Two warnings
My ratings policy to date is very much on the mean scale, but that's to leave room at the top for the gems that leave me quivering:
0-1 Just not worth the minutes out of my life. Please give them back.
Something that's a good solid read and decent prose will get 2 - 3, expect to see JK Rowling here if I'm in a good mood, I did read the lot after all so there was something there.
3 - 4 is something very well-written, something with real originality and vibrancy redeeming its flaws, or something I fell so in love with, especially when young, that I can't bear to reflect mark it lower just because its a bit lightweight. Examples of the latter are The Hero and the Crown, The Dark is Rising trilogy, Bridge of Birds and various Diana Wynne Jones. Possibly they deserve 4s but I'm trying to be mean across the boar so the weightings make sense.
5 I'm saving for a review of what I've input and how the scale is working, but I won't give it to any book that didn't raise my pulse or stretch my world.

I don't like giving negative reviews but in some cases think that fair warning or some sort of explanation for a particularly poor rating (1 or lower)
Reviews veer between advice and my own quick notes. Some have postdated reading by months or years, so are on the skinny side. Sorry if you don't always find them helpful - you can always get in touch, or check the many more diligent reviewers who've had more consistent web access over the last few decades than I.

2. the library is still in the process of being sorted and tidied after some unfortunate disparities in the organisation of various imported lists, and a regrettable failure to notice with LibraryThings Collections options until far too late. The problems I'm working through are that wishlist items, tentative 'to reads' or borrowed reads all came through as in the 'my library collection' and that the tags in the varying places I used at the time didn't match up at all. More tags were introduced to help consolidation efforts. When I worked out the scale of the issue I put aside sorting it out until I had time but read and bought more books in the interim, but it is starting to get into shape now.,However, some apparently redundant tags are there so that I can see what's going on when I export to backup and to help avoid further consolidation nightmares.
Informazione su di me
Best leave it to knowing me through the books I think are of interest.
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