
memoir (2), Thailand (2), 1950's America (1), House of Chakri (1), Rama IX (1), Bhumibol Adulyadej (1), Buddhism (1), Siam (1), humor (1), Bangkok (1), biography (1), royal family (1), king (1), culture (1), thriller (1), Thai (1), Isaan (1)
Feb 6, 2010
Nome vero
Mark Jochim
La mia biblioteca
I'm currently starting over on my library as I left most of my books in America when I moved to Thailand full-time in April 2006. While I prefer to read physical books, I have amassed a HUGE collection of eBooks (primarily in PDF format) in addition to occasional "finds" at the various expat book exchanges we have locally. Once or twice per year, I do manage to splurge on a few new books but that's increasingly rare on my teacher's salary. I'm also a new father -- my daughter is five months old now -- so the book-buying budget is further limited.
Informazione su di me
I'm a lover of books and a teacher of reading to students at a large bilingual school in Phuket, Thailand. I love blogging (at http://mjochim.byethost2.com and, newly-started, at http://expatbookworm.byethost14.com) almost as much as reading...
Phuket, Thailand
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