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La mia biblioteca
I own mostly science fiction and mystery novels. I get rid of a lot of books through BookCrossing, BookObsessed, and RAKs to friends. Some, however, are keepers. I trade mysteries and contemporary fiction with my mother-in-law and mysteries with my daughter. Unfortunately, no-one nearby is a reader of science fiction.
Informazione su di me
Unrepentant gobbler of books. I never sip. I gulp. I break off huge chunks, chew briefly, and swallow as fast as I can. I read in excess of 100 books a year -- 99.999% fiction. Yes, some are juvenile fiction and don't take as long as the typical adult fiction novel. I buy lots of books, mostly in brick & mortar stores because they browse more easily than online stores. I made a promise two years ago to get more of my reading from the library than from the bookstore and I'm now checking out 6 (or so) books per month.
Texas, USA
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