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La mia biblioteca
My library seems to consist of more historical works than I thought it did, my favourite authors are Patrick O'Brian and Bernard Cornwell I love that era.
I recently discovered C J Sansom's novels about the Tudor period and would recommend them to anyone who has an interest in historical mystery's with a very authentic atmosphere, the titles are, 'Dissolution' 'Dark Fire' and 'Sovereign' all excellent.
My blog is very new and there's not much on it yet, how do you attach your librarything library to your blog? Any help gratefully accepted as it's a bit of a mystery to me.
Informazione su di me
This is where I put the about me bit I see on other users profiles ;-) I'm a 55yr old woman working in a local library and I just love books, my partner and I are both bibliophiles so our flat is like a little branch library all our own.
Since placing my books on the site I've realised just how many I have and how many I haven't read yet in fact I don't need to borrow a book from the library for at least the next two years.
Windsor England
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