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La mia biblioteca
My library is so very small compared to many others here on this site... but, it is growing and much beloved by me.

I arrived back home (Jax, Fl) from my Brother's in Seattle after nine months with my 150 books with me... I have added an additional 50 since being home. I have MANY more (mostly non fictions) still to add.

My library was growing like a wild fire while I was in Seattle because of the MANY "Half priced bookstores" which I visited many times (not nearly enough). The expansion of my library has completely stopped since I have been back home because we have NO h/priced bookstores!! I am SO SAD! I wish so much I could open up one of those stores here!!! It was MUCH easier to buy my p/backs when I got them of the dollar rack. LOL!!! I would not care so much but since I want them all.... $1.00 A PIECE makes it much more possible to get them!!!

Seems to me I need to head back out to Seattle ASAP!!!! LOOK OUT MY BROTHER!!! HEHEHE!!
Informazione su di me
I live in Jacksonville, FL with my husband & 26 yr old son, Michael.

I LOVE to read. When I find a really great book, I am lost inside it until finished and then I am sorely disappointed that my journey is over!!

My favorite books are most definitely Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Her books are HUGE/long! I never dreamed I would read a book this size. When I first started reading the first book Outlander, I thought to myself "yeah right, I am going to read this huge book". Well, not far into the book I was totally hooked! I did not stop reading until I had read all seven books!!

I HIGHLY recommend the Outlander series to everyone!! I am totally "in love" with Jamie Fraser!! LOL!!

I have come to love this site so very much! I spend SO MUCH time here looking up authors/stories and reading all of your MUCH appreciated reviews. Thanks so much to everyone!
Jacksonville, FL
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