La mia biblioteca
Recently, I moved all my stuff into a larger room in the house, put up proper shelves and got my books properly sorted out. Then I decided to catalogue them all. My first sf book - The New Tomorrows edited by Norman Spinrad, a gift from my grandad, who probably didn't know what was in it. I started buying sf as a teenager in the 1970's (Asimov, Wyndham, E.E.Smith), and branched out only a bit since. I have been through a fantasy phase, and there has been ongoing interest in history and pop science (after I realised there was no money in the real science I did.)
Informazione su di me

I am married with four children - all grown up now. I was paid to work with computers for many years, but now I am retired. In the summer I sail, and in the winter I wrap up warm and economise on heating.

Bangor, Northern Ireland, BT20
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