
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 18, 2006
La mia biblioteca
When my son started to read I began to search for wonderful stories to encourage him to develop a love of reading. In the process I also found a new love/addiction for myself in the form of Kids Lit, I am having a blast.

I find most books through online Blogs and hours spent in bookshops by the Kids and Teen Fiction with a huge cup of white chocolate mocha....heaven.

I have many more books that I wish for, at present this catalog only consists of the books I have bought since Jan 2006.

I have a huge soft spot for British authors or stories set in Europe in any era. I love to see British words and spellings used and mention of things I grew up with that are unique to the British....a lovely touch of home from a book.

If a book is first published in the UK then I love to read that version before they amercaniz/se(!!!) it for the USA audience. I love, love to see Mum instead of Mom, it's the little things in life. If you know of books I'd enjoy then please go ahead and let me know.
Informazione su di me
Librarian for a small PK thru 8th grade school. Also a wifey, Mum and addicted to many things....my family, books, european boardgames, photography and computers. Originally from England, born in Wales, hubby from Scotland born and bred. Between us an adorable son born here in the USA where we have been living for quite a while now.
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