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John Kirby
Informazione su di me
As an individual, I adhered to the policy of being non-political, I believe in good Government, and therefore judge each policy not on who is promoting it, but what it means to the country. The following statement truly covers my political stance.

A Liberal Minded Conservative Soul with a Socialist Heart, tinged with a Green Outlook

As far as religion is concerned, I actively seek the common ground rather than the differences, and work from the basis that good people are good people no matter where they were born, the colour of their skin or the faith they were born into or have chosen.

I am a married man with four children, I work hard, I like to enjoy and value my personal time. I am an electrical engineer and I guess by nature am suited well to it. I like things to be well designed, to have purpose. To that end, it has been a natural progression into being an developer of positive ideas be them for business, social or economic purposes.
I value the assets and resources we have, and firmly believe in social justice and fairness.

The range of people and organisation I have worked with and send ideas and thoughts to cover a multitude of Governments, and industries. In the last twelve months alone, there has been eleven Government departments, three major energy companies, five major car companies, three international telecommunications, policing organisations like the NPIA and transport and infrastructure companies as well as local businesses as well are large pharmaceutical and retail companies including major supermarkets.

I am not perfect but I do try to ensure I always to the best job possible. I enjoy life, people see me as an upbeat individual and as someone they can turn to, I like people to respect my confidences and I respect theirs, I am not one to break a promise. I try and lead my life right, I believe “what goes around, comes around”.
Nottingham Islington Ashford Drinkstone Bidnija
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