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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 17, 2009
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I have a wildly out of control library that includes many books I have read only parts of and many that I have not touched. This is the product of six years schooling in English and two children. I read a great deal of Fantasy, but I have a wide variety on my shelves. I have a book buying "problem," which I will make no attempt to cure. I may quit smoking, but I will not quit books, no matter how many electronic reading devices they come up with. I have been vaguely hoping to catalogue my books for some time, and I originally planned to use Microsoft Access to do so; however, my friend and colleague, Christy (Ilithyia), encouraged me to try this way, so here I am. I will be listing all my books as I move, one shelf at a time. Wish me luck!
Informazione su di me
I am a recent graduate of Appalachian State University's Masters program in English. I wrote my thesis on Fantasy novels as Political Protests. I currently work in Northern Virginia teaching Literacies (no, this is _not_ a word). I have recently been accepted to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's PhD program (also in English). I plan to study Literary Theory and attempt to trace the heroic medium inductively through Western literary tradition. I am returning to North Carolina this summer. I hope to gain employment as an Instructor at a community college near campus in the fall. I have two beautiful girls and the most wonderful family in the world, or so I think.
Falls Church, VA
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