La mia biblioteca
Fiction, Spirit and Spirituality, Ideas and Thought, Creativity, Self/Help, Erotica, Childrens

Recommended Reading, Gift Books and (Need) To Read lists coming soon ... the whole thing is really still under construction.
Informazione su di me
The smell of a new car does nothing for me, but the smell of a new book totally permeates. Sometimes old books will do the same, if the combination of the ink and paper used is just right and if they were stored on unfinished, wooden shelving. And I was luck enough to have a mom who read to me and family who gave books as gifts. None of them survived our damp basement so my childhood collection is gone, but I remember most of them. Occasionally, I will stumble across a free copy of an old favorite and add it back into the collection. Books are like that. The right ones appear on their own, at the right time; the best ones are sometimes not the books I choose, but the ones that choose me.
At the Lake