
read July 2007 (6), read Nov2011 (6), read 11/07 (6), to be read (5), read 2006/07 (5), read 2007 (5), always a good read 11/14 (4), Read 2006/07 (4), May 2010 (3), read 05/09 (3), read 2011 (3), to be read? (3), Book Club to be read (3), read 12/08 (3), 11 (3), read April 2007 (2), Read Mesa 2009 (2), 6/14 good easy mystery (2), thriller (2), read 6/13 Excellent (2), 7/12 love her writing (2), Jan 2011 (2), did not finish (2), read 01/10 (2), 10 (2), 10/22 Mr Smith & Rex retired policeman &police dog (2), highly recommend (2), read 12/10 good read (2), 2017 great book (2), read 6/08 (2), 3/22 story of shoot out & Morin murder looking for body of Champlain. Olivier in prison (1), 3/22 story has been covered many times. felt like this was wrtten with a movie in mind. forger saves Jewish children (1), 2/22 excellent book (1), writing style is wonderful as is the story. 4.5/5 (1), cc murdered by daughter (1), 3/2022 Olivier is charged with manslaughter of the Hermit. Book 5 (1), hooks up with young murderer who is pregnant. off to New Caledonia followed by deranged war vet (1), 4/22 WW 2 Polish prisoner (1), German Dr in Ravensbruk (1), 3/22 three graces (1), 4/22 spinster in search of elusive beetle (1), okay (1), American Socialite doing charity work (1), 10/22 one of the best books ever read. Not religious but about the times of Jesus & his wife Ana. Biblical Jesus was said never married (1), 12/22 Elodie is given up fir adoption at birth 1950 & remained an orphan until the Duplesse government declared orphans mentally incompetent. the orphanages were changed to asylums in order to pay the church a larger per person caring cost (1), 11/22 excellent thriller Deliverance style. 5 star (1), 11/22 female Scientist empowering women to live to their full potential (1), 11/22 based on true story. a great read 5 stars (1), 10/22 Loved this book written in the style of letters about life after the war of a quirky group of islanders (1), 2/21 memoirs of illegal Chinese immegrant to US who becomecitizen (1), 9/22 cute little who dunit mystery with Albert & Rex (dog) as heroes (1), 4/22 FLQ/ separatist plus love story Veronique/ James (1), 9/22 well written murder/crime featuring a maid who has difficulty reading people (1), CI read. 1982 Ocean Ranger oil rig sinks. Widow & 4 chilren lives after (1), CI read. Mixed race family in middle American. Daughter drowns (1), 7/22 no where near as good as #1 Ladies. would not recommend (1), 6/22 an outstanding beautiful book. George age 7 is dying & his sister is giving him stories (1), 5(22 excellent political thriller (1), obtains law degree (1), 11/21 a 600 mile journey on footto find ones self . 4 star (1), 2/22 written as a biography of a 21 day boat trip SriLanka to England thru tehe eyes of an 11 year old (1), 7/12 better than her pandemic book which I did not finish (1), 9/21 a very peaceful read about Gogol's struggles with his name and heritage (1), 9/21 #27 Stephanie Plum great read as always diamond treasure (1), 8/21poor girls and women are shipped from France to Que. to be brides of fur trappers and soldiers gave it a 3. Should be classifie young adult (1), 7/21 jumped between WW II and 2000.found it abit jumbled (1), 7/21 another good read by Hannah about the depression (1), 6/21 did not finish do not care for the authorks style (1), 6/21 ends in death of Fran (1), 9/21 read for CI bookclub (1), 6/21 well written mystery. read more by this author (1), 5/21 Irish writer alcoholic writer & love & crime. long red hair (1), one of thebetter Strout books but religious understory (1), 3/21 very funny & sad at the same time (1), 3/21 true story about a mass murder and construction of the Chicago World's Fair (1), 2/21 best Strout yet omitted strange drop in story (1), 9/21 very different read based on personalities of townspeople & hockey players. Maya is raped by star player Kevin (1), 2021. did not like too juvenile not enough history (1), 2/2022 5star really funny about rock farm in Cedar inherited by a New York girl (1), 12/21 funeral director rapes & mutilates women over many years. Sara Linton is the coroner. not a fanof this author (1), 2/2022 excelent read about a Down syndrome child given away at birth (1), 1/22 good mystery with romance set in South of France (1), 1/22 excellent based on true story WWll. jewish girl & Nazi soldier in love & resistance (1), DIL looking after MIL With Alzheimer’s (1), 1/22 12/13 street girl involed in drugs prostitution & homelessness. Some wonderful use of words a5 times. the moon so small through a hole in the elbow of a black sweater (1), 12/21 saskatchewan farmers very much reminded of growing up. Don't talk about the girl who got pregnant and was kicked out of school because of itmentality (1), 11/21 another fun Stephanie Plum (1), 11/21 post pandemic (1), 11/21 Jean-Guy shoots Gamache best book yet (1), 11/21 the Super gin Big Babylon is found near 3 Pines and a child is murdered (1), 1/23 great read taking place in Three Pines. Some trying to kill Gamache & family (1), 2021 very good (1), sally Field autobiography 10 (1), scientist presents euthanasia (1), 1/23 good mystery with very different ending (1), 25/05 Dodge finds out he has a daughter after 30 gap and someone wants to murder her (1), 3/23 FBI profiler murder mystery (1), 12/23 3 women rent a Nantucket cottage (1), 10/23 Nora lives between life and death after attempting suicide. she trie many different lives and comes back to her original life (1), 11/23 4.5 a love story (1), a murder 1884 Drs one who is Mulatto one who is part native Indian. Sophie & Anna Savard. great read (1), 11/23 85 lady gets new neighbours includind 8 year old Rose who is a non stop talker & organizer (1), 10/23 did not care for this book about incest (1), twin sisters and family dynamics with mental illness (1), 10/23 great read. gay uncle caring for young niece & nephew. Laughed & cried. 4.1/2 out of 5. Trollers group (1), 10/23 canadian Indians cross into Maine to pick berries & young 3/4 year old daughter is kidnapped. she is reunited with her family as an adult. author tried to cover all issues dementian native issues (1), gay Aunt June (1), 11/23 4.5 historical fiction set in 1930's Affairs carried on by aristocracy including Thelma Morgan & Edward the future king of England before he became enamoured with Wallis Simpson (1), 12/12 Twin sisters (1), one with sensory issues (1), one pyscopath who murders mother. suspenseful (1), 12/12 health spa on Cortez settling estate of owner with tests. not as good as Woefield (1), one pregnant but seperated (1), sister being shot &28 years later the truth comes out (1), one with lung c@ncer (1), one fired from her job for affair with a dult student. they hire a 22 year old man to help babysit 4 year old &baby. good weepy story (1), 1/24 bi polar mother (1), father killed in avalanche. He was an Olympian. Daughter Ruby does not speak adors Dad (1), 1/24 missing Indiginous woman died of a fall not murdered but buried in a parking lot. highschololers solve the mystery & create frienship between white & Indigenous (1), 1/24 CI bookclub. sappy romance (1), 1/24 CI bookclub. Did not know who until ear the 3ndsociety wedding on island. groom had murdered a classmate while in schooll. Siste4 kills groom Good mystery (1), 2(24 good mystery/crime (1), Jane+Green (1), 3/24 very good read. Family in Paris with 3 children take in the daughter of a Communist painter & American wife during WW II. family is bombed by Allies all fdied exceptMother & Mathilde. They eventua lly move to the US where Elise (real mother) finds th (1), 3/24 black history of unwed mothers (1), adoptions by wealthy near white families of illigitimate children born of girls of upper class families (1), 4/24 The Definitive Edition incredibly mature teenager (1), 4/24 excellent book sex change operation murder abuse (1), 9/23 Rate 3.5vwould not recommend. Not a fan of Kingsolver's writing (1), 9/23 5* a great book two sisters devastated by Mother's murder (1), 3/23 two marriages one in current day one in WW1 France POW (1), 5/23Amos Dexter FBI (1), 3/23 thriller re menigitis virus in Seattle (1), 3/23 a good thriller/mystery about Ben who has disappeared (1), 3/23 a memoir about Puerto Rican girls growing up in USA. from jail to PHD (1), 3/23+took+a+while+to+get+started+but+loved+the+writing+style+&+use+of+words.+Hamlet (1), 3/23+based+on+real+Kentucky+librarians+on+horseback+in+coal+towns+&+mountains (1), 5/23+murder+mystery+Andrea+Oliver+joins+USMS (1), 4/23 wonderful story escape art octopus (1), 5/23 KT's first pick. great story with a very mixed cast of eccentric characters. easy read 4/5 (1), 5/23 murder mystery Joey changes to Paris & meets old boyfriend after husbands murder (1), 5/23 murder wealthy wife but have girlfriend stand pretending to b3 wife. too many extraneous characters (1), 5/31 DNF too many references to local areas & events (1), 5/31 DNF female American spy for Cuba. Boring filler details (1), 2/21 Shetland 3 murders & Perez gets close with Fran (1), 5/23 Atlee Pine searching for missing twin sister abducted 30 years ago (1), thrauts an attempt on the President by a spy ring (1), 9/23 story of deaths of Austrailian mother & children. one child switch when SIL baby died (1), 6/23 1937 life changed for many boarding house girls find themselves in high society (1), 9/23 based on fact Red Army female sniper in WWII friends with Eleanor Roosevelt (1), 8/23 demented Maud misses her friend Elizabeth who is in hospital. Body of Maud's sister found 70 years later buried in Elizabeth's garden (1), 8/23 5 star highly recommend. Chilcotin nurse story (1), 7/23 Agoraphobic Dr sees a murder & no one believes her. the murderer tries to kill her (1), 8/23 maintains mystery of April's murderer til near the end but too much fore story repeated (1), 7/23 Butch Karp court room drama 5* (1), 3 million found after father died (1), 5/23 did not care for this book. Mystery too drawn out with mundane details (1), 6/23 a waste of time (1), 6/23 very good mystery features Duchess Day Radley 5* (1), 6/23 murders in the wilderness 8 missing bodies. Frankie Elfort finds missing humans (1), 6/23 active couple diagnosed with Parkinsons (her) and dementia (him) at same time. a sad 6 year journey (1), secret society kills mainly abusive men who avoid justice good read (1), 6/23 mystery (1), 2/21 found this to be much more sad than funny. very good read (1), 10/20 did not finish (1), 9th book in Vera series (1), 8/17 Okay but not great (1), very good crime/mystery writer (1), 2/13 presently reading but finding it slow going (1), 2/13 from Doreen H. Interesting (1), 3/13 good read (1), mystery/love story (1), 2/13 not as good as Exclusive.Bit weird (1), 4/13 strange late 1800's western (1), 5/13 Excellent semi historical fiction (1), 5/13 did not care for this (1), 6/13 so so mystery (1), 6/13 another great read (1), reading 7/13 Excellent book (1), super story teller (1), 7/13 enjoyed yet another Jance book (1), 12/2017 slow murder mystery not great (1), 9/2012 Harry Bosch mystery okay (1), 1/2018 Found this a slow read and did not like each chapter by different character (1), 2/2018 another fun read (1), 2/2018 wome's murder club good read (1), 3/2018 okay mystery (1), 3/18 a nice easy read lots of back stories (1), 11/17 Twins kidnapped on their birthday and killed (1), 3/18 like this author good mystery (1), May 2018 wonderful book. highly recommend (1), 5/2018 (1), 5/2018 geat mystery (1), 5/2018 joint with Phoef Sutton. Lacking the humour and story line of # series (1), 5/2018 borrowed from Thea. Really enjoyable book about Aussie adapting to life in France (1), 5/2018 from Violet good mystery (1), Vanc. Author (1), 1/13 first time with this author (1), 9/12 great mystery (1), July 2018 excellent book highly recomment (1), excellent book really funny (1), 3 (1), child abuse (1), very enjoyable (1), good read (1), Nice (1), 6/12 (1), 6/20 (1), 2012 good mystery (1), read 1/12 SoSo (1), read 1/12 Funny & informative (1), 2/12 Waste of time (1), 2/12 written from a dog's perspective (1), Mar2012 - good read (1), 4/12 - interesting but not worth referring (1), Laugh out loud funny 6/12 from Liz (1), 09/12 very slow moving story did not enjoy (1), 5/12 A sad period in history which I had no knowledge of (1), too close to Harlequin romance 6/12 (1), strange book but liked the flow of the writing6/12 (1), Enjoyed but a little bit too romance (Harlequin) (1), 7/12 Really good murder mystery (1), Follows Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (1), 7/12 follows Shanghai Girls (1), 7/12 not worth the read (1), 7/12 lovely little book thoroughly enjoyed (1), 8/12 start reading for book club (1), 8/12 easy read (1), thin story build up (1), 8/12 Wonderful read of an old book (1), 09/12 Georgia's book okay (1), 6/2018 A great follow up to The Kitchen House (1), 07/2018 Well written about 6 handicap kids and their bus driver for a year (1), 1/21 much better than Olive Kitteridge but I do not like the writting style of sticking in a second story line mostly unrelated to the main one (1), 9/20 a soft little pleasant book about Christmas (1), 4/2020 4th in the series. Barnabus hit by car (1), 4/2020 5th in series. Move to beach parish. Too much religion (1), 4/2020 book 6 reads like a rerun of previous books (1), 5/20 excellent mystery recommend it (1), 6/2020 holiday in Ireland. Tim finds Black 1/2 brother (1), 7/20 great little story by local writer featuring Civil War character (1), 7/20 based on truth about female spies in WW2. ok but not great rate 3.5 (1), 8/20 gripping (1), sad and current about migrants highly recomend (1), 8/20 #7 in series easy read (1), excellent book about females night pilots dropping bombs (1), 9/20 Nellie & Alice mains.mok but not great rate 3 (1), 9/20 based on true incident (1), started Harlequin advanced 4 star (1), 10/20 the last Barlowe (Kenny) shows up (1), 4/20 great easy to read entertaining story (1), 10 from Thea (1), 10/20 Alex Delaware novel good easy read mystery from Thea (1), hard to link characters (1), 11/20 my first Clive Cussler Dirk Pitt book. great book read more (1), 11/20 all the Gamache family in Paris (1), 11/20 excellent Shetland re landslide book 7 (1), 11/20 excellent Shetland book. Willow is pregnant. 8th book (1), 12/20 #2 Shetland book perez & Fran first date (1), 12/20 memoirs of modern lighthouse keeper & husband (1), 12/20 Shetland #6 Director of ghost documentary murdered. after Fran has died (1), 12/20 wonderfully described surroundings but a bit too harlequin for me (1), 12/20 Willow's first mention Perez back to work first time since Fran's death (1), 12/20 #3 in the series. Talk of wedding between Fran & Perez (1), 1/21 thoroughly enjoyed found the book uplifting for some reason (1), #3 in Mitford series easy read highly recommend (1), 3/2020 Salander mystery good but not as gripping as Steig Larson (1), 8/2018 did not enjoy (1), 7/19 A very short (13 chapters) Gamache written for Good Reads for Adult Literacy (1), 8/2018 excellent story about the 1936 US rowing team (1), 9/2018 Alaska situ as good as The Nightingale (1), 8/12 did not care for and did not finish (1), 8/12 Book Club 4.5. Very enjoyable book (1), calming and serene. Gay friend Michael and wife Annie die leaving alone (1), 11/2018 basically a romance with California history under story (1), 11/2018 Part mystery (1), part family part getting on with riddles in life (1), 11/18 very interesting bio by Julia Child (1), 11/18 Thriller of mother with 4 year trapped by shooters in zoo (1), 2/19 Water for Elephants author. easy read would recommend (1), Thea's recommendation a fun easy read comparable to L. Penny 4/2019 (1), Loved the book about an irascible Swede and his neighbours. 3/2019 (1), 7/19 Loved it 5 stars (1), 7/2019 from Helen Dahl. One of the best books in a very long time. Recommend to everyone (1), funny defiant (1), 8/2019 a good mystery (1), resulting in the demise of Peter Morrow (1), Clara's husband (1), 8/2019 a gripping mystery (1), 9/2019 Thea's recommendation about Vera series (1), 9/19 Gods & Mythology but like a romance (1), 10/19 too much romance not enough history (1), 11/19 Kerra &Trapper find bomber from 25years prior (1), 11/19 another wonderful Gamache book (1), mysterious death & disappearance of a battered woman (1), 11/19 have previosly read this but do not really remember (1), 12/19 more Harlequin romance thanhistory (1), 1/2020 really good historical fiction makes one want to read more about Lindburghs (1), 2020 beautifully written sad (1), 4/24 Do not be deterred by the pink cover. excellent read family dynamics. Gran Grace tryingbto rais granddaughter as mother was an alcoholic. great granddaughter is gay & in love with Jamacan singer. end story Grace & Cissie (John's sister) are married. (1)
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May 14, 2007