
to-read (194), fiction (58), fantasy (48), young-adult (32), magic (30), mayhem (27), romance (27), plot-twist (26), loved-it (22), left-me-reeling (17), it-was-beautiful (12), fairytales (11), urban-fantasy (10), retelling (10), fae (7), paranormal (6), my-poor-soul-is-shriveling (5), i-cried-and-bawled-ugly-tears (4), angels (4), 2016-release (4), currently-reading (4), so-freaking-good (4), thick-as-thieves (4), not-my-best-read (4), contemporary (4), young adult (3), death (3), western (3), arranged-marriage (3), i-died (3), hilarious (2), charley davidson (2), darynda jones (2), grim reaper (2), sci-fi (2), reyes farrow (2), this-book-is-my-lovechild (2), suspense (2), o-m-g (2), 5-stars-all-the-way (2), Early reviewers (2), i-need-more-simon-and-meg (1), troubled home life (1), at the edge of the world (1), rephaim (1), garrett swopes (1), closet-prince (1), socially privileged (1), glass-sword (1), mare-barrow (1), natasha-romanoff (1), the things we keep (1), written-in-the-stars (1), A fine imitation (1), aisha-saeed (1), culture-shock (1), alcoholic parent (1), scottish lore (1), teenager (1), murder-mystery (1), steampunk (1), faeries (1), 1900's (1), canada (1), prohibition (1), New York (1), maven (1), god (1), gothic (1), demons (1), review (1), ghosts (1), mystery (1), superheroes (1), pakistani (1), librarything early reviewers (1), cal (1), teen (1), scottish (1), angel (1), loved it (1), alcoholic (1), 20th century (1), funnny (1), marvel (1), black-widow (1), surfing (1), book review (1), djinni (1), shimmer (1), wallflower (1), kari jones (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Dec 13, 2015
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I recently began buying more books. I used to always just check out books from the library, but now I have an addiction to book buying. I read mainly Young Adult & Teen, Fantasy, and YA contemporary. Trying to expand my reading tastes into more genres.
Informazione su di me
I'm a 22 year old book obsessed girl from the USA. My favorite genres are YA literature, Fantasy, and science fiction. I spend my free time reading, beta reading, drawing, listening to punk rock bands and browsing Tumblr.
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