La mia biblioteca
Mostly fiction with a strong emphasis on urban fantasy....everthing in 'my library' and 'library - non fiction' is everything I currently own. The 'read but unowned' is stuff i've borrowed from either friends or the library, whereas the 'traded' books are ones that have passed through my library at some point and moved on.

My rating system:
5 * loved this, highly recommended, will probably reread in the future.
4 * enjoyed it a lot, would recommend, possible reread.
3 * was ok, but not great, in most instances felt very repetitive and or bland, will definately not reread.
2 * didn't like it
1 * Why did I waste my time reading this? Avoid at all costs.
Sydney, Australia
In lettura ora
Autori preferiti
Luoghi preferiti

Librerie: Galaxy Bookshop, Infinitas

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