
Fiction (1,235), Non-Fiction (911), OT (888), 1st Edition (436), Compilation (299), Read (248), Children's (191), XLibrary (140), Biography (130), Religion (117), Arts (114), Poetry (113), History (110), BCE (96), Softcover (81), Humor (67), Signed (62), Instruction (55), Music (54), Autobiography (52), Travel (52), Animals (44), Cookbook (36), Girls (34), Coffee Table (32), Boys (27), Mystery (25), Diary (25), Romance (23), Holiday (21), Magazine (20), Handbook (17), Encyclopedia (15), Health (15), Science (14), Reference (13), Picture (13), Business (13), Language (13), Philosophy (11), Theatre (10), Geography (10), Architecture (9), Photography (9), Politics (9), Art (9), Psychology (8), Dictionary (7), Hollywood (7), Sports (7), Military (7), Crime (6), Government (6), Nature (6), Gift Book (5), Juniors (5), Textbook (5), Yearbook (4), Dance (4), Math (4), Medicine (4), Mythology (3), Pamphlet (3), Decorating (2), Radio (1), Occult (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 20, 2008
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
A mixture of everything but mostly fiction. Love to read Thorne Smith, Cornelia Skinner...a big fan of 1940's and like to read Biographies. Acquire books from thrift stores and charity shops. Have over 100+ signed books...the thrill of the chase. My library shelves at home are now bowed because I am doubling up. Have a hard time getting rid of books but learning to just keep the authors I really love. Proud of my collection even though not all books are in pristine condition. They all have been well read and loved with lots of "character" or so I like to think. Hardly ever read anything current and book clubs are not my thing. Love to share books and authors with my friends...as long as they give them back to me...my friends know better!
Informazione su di me
Wife and Mom of two daughters. Originally from Long Island NY, lived in Cheltenham England for a bit but now making my home in Maryland. Have a healthy obsession for all things books and beads. LOVE to read Hendrik Willem Van Loon. If you ever find a copy of his book "Van Loon's Lives" READ IT! He and friend pair 2 historical figures together and plan a dinner party with them...they discuss food, music to play and then the results. The kick...grumpy Erasmus is at each dinner.
Enjoy my livingroom/library and can always find something to read whenever the mood strikes. Our move to the UK opened up a whole new slew of charity and book shops for me to explore. Had to part with alot of books before I left the States so need to replenish now that I am back.
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