Nome vero
Lauren Podolak
La mia biblioteca
Avid Science Fiction fan. Most of my 4800 books are science fiction with a bit of fantasy, urban fantasy, horror and smut :)

Only a small portion of my physical books are listed in my library thing collection. I got lax in scanning my books into my inventory. I also have quite a few ebooks which I catalog in Calibre.
Informazione su di me
Big SF fan. Member of Stonehill SF Association for the past 25 years. Host the Tampa Bay area SF convention Necronomicon.
See for info on our next convention in October.

I am also webmaster of which is a resource for those interested in costume and alternative fashion.

Avid gamer as well. Play WoW, Planetside2, SWTOR, L4D2 and many others. Raptr and Steam ID:milieux
Holiday, Florida
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