
British Authors (15), Crime Fiction (10), Archaeology (7), Fiction (5), World War Two (4), Regency Romance (4), Historical Fiction (3), American Authors (3), Turkish Authors; Crime; Humour; Drag Queens (2), American Authors; American Fiction (2), Historical Romance (2), Australian Authors; Australian Fiction (1), Ireland (1), British Authors; West Indian Historical Fiction; Romance (1), British Authors; Australian Fiction; Romance; Australian Colonial History (1), American Authors; American Historical Fiction; Romance; Aaron Burr (1), American Authors; American Historical Fiction; Romance (1), American Authors; British Historical Fiction; Romance (1), British Authors; Historical Fiction; Romance; Australian Colonial History (1), West Indian Authors; West indian Fiction (1), American Authors; Historical Fiction; Crime; Henry James (1), British Authors; British Historical Fiction; Romance; Tudors (1), Non-fiction; European History; Bubonic Plague (1), Central American Authors; Central American Fiction; Guatemala; (1), American Authors; American Fiction; New Orleans History; Voodou; Jazz (1), American Authors: American Crime Fiction: US Social History; Victoria Woodhull (1), British Authors: British Crime Fiction (1), European Fiction; European Authors; Mesmerism (1), American Fiction; American Authors; Crime; Philadelphia (1), American Authors; American Fiction; Religion; Islam; (1), New Zealand Authors; New Zealand Fiction; Politics; Racism; Genetic Research (1), American Authors; American Crime Fiction; New Orleans History; Jazz (1), New Zealand Authors; New Zealand Fiction (1), American Authors; American Fiction; New Orleans History; Jazz (1), American Authors; Historical Fiction; East India Company; Highland Bagpipes (1), British Writers; British Crime Fiction; Victorian Crime; (1), American Fiction; US History; Civil War (1), Non-Fiction; Renaissance History; Italian History; Caterina Riaria Sforza di Medici (1), American Aurthors; American Fiction; (1), Australian Authors; Australian Fiction; Thriller (1), American Authors; Historical Fiction; Jewish Social History; History of Medical Research (1), Royal Air Force History (1), British Authors; British Fiction; Thriller; East German History (1), Europe (1), Australian Fiction (1), Napoleonic Wars (1), Israel (1), Scandinavian Fiction (1), Irish Independence (1), New Zealand Authors (1), Paedophilia (1), British Naval History (1), Indian Mutiny (1), Battle of Britain (1), Waterloo (1), Romance (1), Sports (1), Australian Authors (1), American Authors; American Fiction: Satire (1), Horror (1), Middle East (1), War Fiction (1), American Social History (1), American Historical Fiction (1), Greek Australians (1), Australian Social History (1), Norwegian Authors (1), Maori Customs (1), American Race Relations (1), british Authors (1), American Fiction (1), British Fiction; World War Two; Bethnal Green Tube Station Disaster (1), British Fiction; New Zealand Authors; Witches (1), British Authors; British Historical Fiction; Social History; Feminism; Victorian Asylums (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jun 14, 2011
Nome vero
Makereta Brown
La mia biblioteca
If it doesn't get to three stars quarter of the way through it is highly unlikely I'll finish it. Moreover, I write myself and I know how much hard work it can be. It is therefore my policy to never use any public forum to bag other authors or tell others what they should or shouldn't like in a book. In other words: if I didn't like it, no one will ever know I read it
Informazione su di me
I am painfully eclectic - don't try to pin me or my tastes down! And what's here represents a mere fraction of what I've actually read. I am using Library Thing partly as a means to collate those books I have read and enjoyed so I can refer back to them later...
I read fiction from any part of the world, with particular interest in novels that deal with history; social relationships; mythology and religion; and crime. I also enjoy biographies, particularly those of women. I also regularly read cookbooks, architectural tomes, and art-history books but you will rarely see me review any of these as I take my literary dreamlands far more seriously than I ever will the real world!
New Zealand
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