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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 21, 2006
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
Mostly non-fiction, Recreational Maths is my main interest. I am a Martin Gardner, Raymond Smullyan fan. I also like non-fiction books by Asimov, Carl Sagan. Environment, Wild life & Biology are my recent interests. Have a good collection of books in Marathi ( my mother tongue.). Favourite authors in Marathi are Vyankatesh Madgulkar, Vin Daa Karandikar,Dr. Anil Awachat,Prof. Jayant Naralikar. Trying to learn a few languages including Urdu, German, Russian,...
Informazione su di me
In the past I have done a lot of part-time teaching and enjoyed it. I answer High-School/Junior college level mathematical questions at various sites. Currently trying to develop writing skills. Started blogging recently. I contribute occasionally to Wikipedia, especially in Marathi (http://mr.wikipedia.org)
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