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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 3, 2006
La mia biblioteca
Still a work in progress...how long DOES it take to upload a lifetime's worth of books?
Informazione su di me
Whitmangirl was born in Portland, OR and graduated from Whitman College in 2003 with a degree in History. She has been writing stories since the first grade, though if you ask her parents, they'll tell you she's been making them up since way before that. She has eclectic taste in both friends and music, and an unreasonable affection for the semi-colon. She is a competent cook, but sadly cannot spell. She is an unrepentant biblio-hoarder and is glad that there is no one to come and take books away from her like they do on Animal Planet to the people with too many cats. She's just finished her Masters in Environmental Studies at the University of Montana where she wrote a thesis about food and environment, and finds the fact that she now has her own card catalog entry thrilling beyond words. When she was little, she wanted to grow up to be a bus driver, a big sister, and a poet-teller. While she's give up on the bus driver and the big sister, she's still holding out hope for poet-teller, or something like it.
Portland, OR
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