
Nome vero
Walter Eckland
La mia biblioteca
Lots of old science fiction.
Informazione su di me
Walter Eckland is an odd sort of duck who throws a bunch of words together and then hacks the heck out of them afterwards. Sometimes they align well pre or post the masticating. Sometimes said words align humorously. Once they made someone cry. We don't know why. Most times the words get tossed in an electronic waste receptacle to be reused in a more conventional manor by someone who probably DID pay attention in seventh grade English and did learn about grammar, punctuation and run on sentences while Walter was listening to his ADHD and trying desperately to sit still.

Walter used to spend a boatload of time in airplanes crossing the little pond between the North East of the new world and the old continent. Australian Shiraz fueled much of the word proliferation during that time until Walter switched to Cabernet Sauvignon.

These days Walter does a little repetitive South to North travel path and dusts off some old words and tries to make sense of what ever nonsense he intended at the time. Most of his ramblings fall into silly children's books or old style Science Fiction. One SciFi book involves a fat lady and a Volvo.

Walter's first Kindle offering involves a young girl that reminds him a bit of his daughter. There are three more books in the series (so far). Book three takes a few odds turns and almost makes a point or two.

Hang on and give me a second I'm looking for a corkscrew so I can finish this bio.
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