
Womyn's Centre (328), Colour Connected (136), fiction (23), Allies (15), nonfiction (10), Pride (9), health (9), literature (9), indigenous (9), poetry (7), religion (7), Native (6), aboriginal (6), South Asian (4), memoir (4), history (4), Canada (4), Student Environment Centre (4), Cuba (3), plays (3), Social Justice Centre (3), art (3), essays (2), Vancouver (2), African American (2), communication (2), Poetry (2), Haiti (2), India (2), Asian (2), relationships (2), Ableism (2), activism (2), biography (1), oral history (1), science (1), AIDS (1), film (1), Inuit (1), illustrated (1), gender (1), Christianity (1), Africa (1), Japanese Canadian (1), Humour (1), Photography (1), Queer (1), Femme (1), Anorexia (1), Guatelmala (1), sinapore (1), Afro-Latin American (1), childrens books (1), classic (1), youth (1), sprituality (1), nonmonogamy (1), !Kung (1), masculinity (1), black (1), class (1), legend (1), missionary (1), local (1), Islam (1), ecology (1), immigration (1), cancer (1), reproduction (1), polygamy (1), transsexual (1), sexuality (1), Fidel Castro (1), sex (1), politics (1), mentoring (1), folklore (1), body image (1), Nigeria (1), inuit (1), travel (1), Nelson Mandela (1), race (1), zine (1), community organizing (1), HIV (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Feb 5, 2013
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
UBC's student resource groups : Pride, Social Justice Committee, Womyns centre, Student Environmental Committee, Colour Contected, Allies, and Abilities (coming soon), all have books dedicated to their needs in this library space.
Informazione su di me
The Student Resource Groups at UBC have an awesome collection built up over decades. I'm the volunteer librarian.
Vancouver, Canada
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