
Location Upstairs Hall audiocase (51), Fiction (48), Location Landing S 2 (30), MB upstairs (30), Psychology (30), Location Foyer TS (28), Location Hall Cookbks (27), Location LR Top Shelf (27), Mystery (26), Biography (21), Location LR Shelf 2 (19), Location Landing S 3 (19), Location Foyer S 2 (19), Location landing TS (19), Location video racks hall (18), Location landing S 3 (12), Libraries (11), Cats (11), Management (10), Aging (9), Bible Study (7), Foreign Cultures (7), Women (7), Southern United States (6), Humorous (6), Organization (5), Henry Street Book (5), History (5), Amish (4), Location Cookbook shelves hall (4), Health (4), Borrowed (4), Location LR Basket (4), Americana (4), Music (4), scs donation (4), Poetry (3), Household Hints (3), Death and Dying (3), Plants and Flowers (3), Billy Graham (3), Offer to friend RD (3), Location upstairs hall audiocase (3), listed on Bookins (3), Singleness (2), Children's book (2), Cancer (2), Worship (2), Hymns (2), Amish Fiction (2), Missions (2), Bible versions (2), CATS (2), Alaska (2), Sermons (2), Political Thriller (2), location landing TS (2), Location Landing TS (2), Children's Book (2), Face Blindness (1), Last Days (1), Wild Animals (1), Aspergers (1), LaCrosse (1), Fiction Donated to PH Manor (1), Baby Boomers (1), Charismatic Movement among Episcopals (1), Rare poor quality (1), L R Bookcase top shelf (1), Westward Mvmnt (1), Listed on Bookins (1), Mitford Father Tim series (1), location upstairs landing ts (1), FIC OFF (1), Discussion group (1), condition very poor (1), checked out January 2012 Amber upstairs (1), Location Study Drawer (1), SCSAG (1), LR bookcase top shelf (1), Drug Recovery (1), cookbook shelves hall (1), SCSAG LIB (1), Landing S3 (1), literature (1), Concordances (1), New Orleans (1), City Directory (1), Britain (1), Flylady (1), Jimmy Carter (1), Eleanor Roosevelt (1), Eskimos (1), Darfur (1), Crafts (1), Devotional (1), Evangelism (1), John Bunyan (1), C.S.Lewis (1), music (1), China (1), illness (1), cats (1), Technology (1), psychology (1), Political (1), Ireland (1), Jane Goodall (1), bookins (1), Desk (1), Doctrine (1), Genocide (1), Encouragement (1), Heaven (1), Appalachia (1), mystery (1), Dogs (1), Irish (1), CD (1), Politics (1), Literature (1), American Indians (1), mailed (1), Children's books (1), Hardcover (1), Christianity (1), British Literature (1), India (1), World War II (1), Canada (1), Michigan (1), Tennessee (1), Location LR Top Shelf Donated PH Manor October 2015 (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Aug 26, 2008
Nome vero
M. Seiber
La mia biblioteca
A lot of books. Mostly Christian but also light fiction and mysteries. I am trying to organize these so I know what I have and can share with others locally. If you see a book you might like to borrow and live within driving distance, let me know. I am happy to loan. Makes me feel justified in my passion for reading.

I may soon change the name of this library.
Informazione su di me
Retired Public School Librarian. Evangelical Christian with interest in maintaining the historical perspective on Christianity. I fear we are throwing out the meat of our faith, and will develop undernourished Christians with no back bone.
Other interests: Gardening, animals, reading (of course) A people person with technological skills
Macomb County Michigan
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