Nome vero
Tiffany Turner
La mia biblioteca
I have loved fantasy and sci-fi since I read "Half-Magic" when I was 10 years old. Later followed "A Wrinkle in Time" and the Lord of the Rings series. I would go to my public library to the Fantasy/Sci-Fi section and discovered the Dragons of Pern, Harpers, Darkover, and finally Valdemar. Libraries are lovely stations to begin your adventure. They did bulldoze the old library of my youth, and have build a fabulous new one complete with a coffee shop.
I now try to buy many of my books to support the authors. I can't enter a bookshop without spending 50 bucks. But at times, I miss the old library of just heading to the Fantasy stack and picking out a new author to discover.
Informazione su di me
I am kept busy with my day job teaching 4th graders. When not teaching, I enjoy performing at different Celtic Festivals and Scottish Games as a wandering harpist. Sometimes I make an appearance as my fairy character, the wood sprite. Add the factor of writing my third novel and a YA; I'm quite busy.
San Jose, CA
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