
fiction (55), mystery (23), murder (23), crime (9), science fiction (9), orphans (8), children (7), fantasy (6), space (5), tragedy (5), super powers (5), fox (5), romance (5), religion (5), Scotland (4), Youth (4), scotland (4), shapeshifters (4), children's (4), humor (4), georgia (3), conspiracy (3), youth (3), history (3), star wars (3), art (3), christian (3), jedi (3), cats (3), Hamish Macbeth (2), old south (2), controversy (2), Jesus Christ (2), imagination (2), ireland (2), christmas (2), antiques (2), horses (2), newspapers (2), Sherlock Holmes (2), president (2), haunted house (2), biography (2), the meaning of life (2), fun (2), comedy (2), non-fiction (2), america (2), nursing home (1), vets (1), witness protection (1), black stallion (1), mobsters (1), bakery (1), fox hunting (1), cookies (1), newspaper (1), huntington's (1), nativity (1), falcon (1), journalists (1), private eye (1), surgon (1), priest (1), circus (1), louis XVII (1), robery (1), dolls (1), Scotish Highlands (1), lumber mill (1), land battle (1), tiny tim (1), highlands (1), shapeshifter (1), crime fiction (1), verse novel (1), jade (1), Minnesota (1), decorating (1), france (1), spain (1), space travel (1), symbols (1), cat (1), mafia (1), child prostitution (1), new england (1), glasgow (1), George Washington (1), hospitals (1), family feuds (1), flood (1), John Adams (1), elephant (1), mad scientist (1), nursing homes (1), templar (1), phobias (1), Ohio (1), auctions (1), post traumatic stress syndrome (1), hamish macbeth (1), otter (1), Fiction (1), Johnstown (1), mars (1), elderly (1), snakes (1), robots (1), demons (1), Murder (1), historical fiction (1), thriller (1), Ireland (1), kidnapping (1), gifts (1), France (1), reptiles (1), Crime (1), catholicism (1), religious (1), codes (1), werewolves (1), detective (1), puzzles (1), supernatural (1), england (1), adventure (1), boarding school (1), friendship (1), childrens fiction (1), Science fiction (1), family (1), vampires (1), horror (1), books (1), high school (1), suspense (1), chess (1), women (1), conspiracies (1), treasure hunt (1), nasa (1), faries (1), fishing (1), doctors (1), ships (1), firemen (1), computers (1), magic (1), deserts (1), boats (1), wonderland (1), 1906 (1), Dublin (1), authors (1), doctor (1), martians (1), island (1), canada (1), garbage (1), society (1), masons (1), government (1), outlaws (1), scandal (1), detectives (1), police (1), censorship (1), fashion (1), privacy (1), people (1), suicide (1), slice of life (1), racism (1), lawyers (1), small town (1), balckmail (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Oct 5, 2010
Nome vero
Andy Schafer
La mia biblioteca
I used to buy books wherever I went but ended up with thousands of books packed away in boxes. I longed for an extra room to turn into a library but it isn't possible right now. Finally I decided to sell my collection so that maybe someone else would get some use out of them. I now keep a small selection out on the few shelves I have and rely on ebooks and the Library for the rest. Maybe someday I'll have a big house with a BIG library!
Informazione su di me
I am a bookaholic! I love to read and have been a book nut since I was able to read. I have a job that allows me to listen to audio books while I work so I get to listen to several books a week. I also read to my kids as much as I can and my wife and I read to each other quite a bit. I have many other interests as well such as board games, model trains, computers, electronics, camping, and more! I have a wonderful wife and two spectacular kids! I am a Christian and proud of it. We are members of a Baptist church and love to have our friends over to play games and have fun! I love to meet new people so feel free to contact me!
Holmes County, Ohio
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