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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Feb 17, 2006
La mia biblioteca
I just started this database today so it will be a work in progress until I go through my bookshelves and boxes. Most of my library will consist of sci-fi/fantasy and comic based books although I have a mix of other things as well. Additionally, I will likely be adding my sister's collection in with mine due to us trading back and forth all the time so the collection always changing. If a book doesn't show as owned, I have either traded it at a book store or I can't remember if I own it anymore.
Informazione su di me
I've been an avid reader since I was a child. It carried over to my adult life although I now seem to go in spurts. Sometimes I am voracious and can't get enough books. Other times I will go for months without touching one. I'm a comic book collector and geek in addition to my love of books, as can be seen reflected in my collection.