
Nome vero
Susanne Leist
Informazione su di me
I have always loved to read. I grew up with Agatha Christie, Alistair Maclean and so many other authors who filled my imagination with intrigue and mystery. The TV show, Murder She Wrote, kept me entertained when I was not reading late into the night.
My first book, The Dead Game, is a paranormal mystery. It brings fantasy and the surreal to the classic murder mystery with dead bodies, suspects, and clues; but it has vampires, vampire derivatives, and a touch of romance to spice up the mix. Once you read The Dead Game, you will never look at a dead body the same way.
In book two, released soon, the suspense continues as The Dead take over an exclusive club in Disney World where the rich and famous socialize. The Dead grow in power, and not even the sun or the swamps of Florida can weaken them.
Visit me on my website, https://susanneleist.com, for more fun and games.
New York
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