
fiction (210), recipes (162), cooking (130), philosophy (86), cookery (79), food (66), poetry (65), food history (60), science fiction (51), English literature (45), poems (42), horror (40), humour (38), science (37), computing (37), baking (36), cakes (32), drama (31), reference (30), short stories (30), programming (29), plays (28), ghosts (28), music (27), comedy (27), computers (27), supernatural (26), travel (25), language (23), food science (22), art (21), essays (21), gardening (21), food culture (21), maps (20), French literature (19), biology (19), walking routes (19), sweets (18), history (18), biography (18), food technology (18), plants (18), politics (18), textbook (16), Christmas (16), American literature (16), comics (16), atheism (15), biscuits (15), Classical music (14), Italian literature (14), Italy (14), ghost stories (14), chemistry (13), buns (13), satire (13), theatre (13), Oxford (13), crime (13), fantasy (12), microbiology (12), flowers (12), medicine (12), tutorial (12), Opera (12), confectionery (12), German literature (12), maths (12), walking (12), ethics (12), history of music (12), Ancient philosophy (12), introduction (11), technology (11), religion (10), Russian literature (10), public health (10), botany (10), anthology (10), horticulture (10), dictionary (10), Greek philosophy (10), disease (10), Faust (10), BASIC (9), music theory (9), Classical philosophy (9), history of science (9), criticism (9), bread (9), desserts (9), Russia (9), chocolate (9), France (9), psychology (9), Greece (9), social history (9), children's literature (8), sugar (8), molecular gastronomy (8), mythology (8), games (8), history of food (8), physics (8), gastronomy (8), metaphysics (8), pathogens (8), Italian (8), Paris (8), hauntings (8), Unix (8), Cornwall (8), mystery (8), Greek literature (8), Rome (8), theology (7), alcohol (7), modernism (7), mathematics (7), insanity (7), dystopia (7), Oxfordshire (7), murder (7), travel guide (7), food and society (7), English cookery (7), Classics (6), vegetables (6), retro-computing (6), virology (6), society (6), audio book (6), candy (6), Aristotle (6), C (6), Ancient history (6), facts (6), thriller (6), Italian cooking (6), Italian food (6), logic (6), English cooking (6), natural history (6), In search of lost time (6), existentialism (6), Yorkshire (6), grammar (6), composers (6), tragedy (6), folklore (6), English poetry (6), diet (6), wine (6), idealism (6), animals (5), Christmas food (5), sculpture (5), sight seeing (5), Indian food (5), composition (5), aesthetics (5), local history (5), herbs (5), trivia (5), classical music (5), 19th century philosophy (5), food industry (5), Italian language (5), poison (5), Florence (5), statistics (5), Europe (5), French (5), libraries (5), spices (5), Russian (5), Japanese food (5), children's fiction (5), cosmology (5), monsters (5), surrealism (5), languages (5), education (5), databases (5), Socratic dialogue (5), Channel Islands (5), puddings (5), philosophy of mind (5), infection (4), Ireland (4), Africa (4), art theory (4), English drama (4), aphorisms (4), utopia (4), Irish literature (4), Oxford University (4), allegory (4), space (4), Mephistopheles (4), food chemistry (4), postmodernism (4), kitchens (4), humanism (4), phantoms (4), food law (4), tourism (4), artificial intelligence (4), Plato (4), Classical literature (4), London (4), love (4), Perl (4), artists (4), evolution (4), proof (4), Gothic (4), trains (4), Communism (4), Discworld (4), childrens fiction (4), epic poetry (4), Socrates (4), Roman history (4), logical form (4), folk tales (4), internet (4), history of Opera (4), America (4), Japan (4), coding (4), microcomputers (4), pseudoscience (4), Beano (4), wine tasting (4), food politics (4), pies (4), viruses (4), painting (4), librarianship (4), algebra (4), art history (4), phrase book (4), history of thought (3), gothic (3), French music (3), opera (3), ancient philosophy (3), detective (3), Polish (3), French philosophy (3), philosophy of food (3), health (3), drugs (3), pudding (3), hell (3), bioinformatics (3), Russian culture (3), herbal remedies (3), mental illness (3), Ancient Greek literature (3), Vi (3), literary criticism (3), tutorials (3), television (3), Opera photos (3), tuition (3), nihilism (3), Children's literature (3), French cooking (3), romanticism (3), cupcakes (3), USSR (3), occult (3), drinks (3), documentary (3), landscape design (3), sauces (3), flora (3), cake (3), puzzles (3), map (3), Faustian (3), autobiography (3), English history (3), toxicology (3), daemons (3), Devon (3), Roman philosophy (3), Christianity (3), Chilterns (3), Soviet Russia (3), anecdote (3), food adulteration (3), French history (3), geology (3), pessimism (3), Latin (3), genetics (3)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Sep 13, 2008
La mia biblioteca
My personal book collection - still adding to it but it's 90% complete. Mainly missing is much of my stupidly large cookery book collection. Currently trying to comlpete tagging my books.
Informazione su di me
Many interests (as reflected by my book collection I think!). Spend my spare time reading, studying philosophy, going to see Opera, plays, concerts, galleries, museums, messing about with linux, trying to find an interesting programming project for Perl and cooking for friends.


Connessioni ad altri utenti
