Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
Probably the easiest way to know what I like to read would be to find out what I don't like to read. Excessively (and stupidly) popular things tend to be off the list: Tolkien, Harry Potter, Eragon. Most classics and things written before the twentieth century bore me. I'm not big on humor, though sometimes I'll taste a little Dave Barry.

This is not my whole library--a lot of books are in storage. Compare what I own to what I've read.
Informazione su di me
I am a reader of children's books with some taste for science fiction and fantasy. I also try to read quite a lot of untranslated Japanese manga (comics). Oh, and I'm something of an author stalker.

Met at signings/conventions so far (in chronological order):
W. Michael Gear, Robert Jordan, Orson Scott Card, Philip Pullman, Chuck Palahniuk, Al Franken, Neil Gaiman, Dave Barry, Mark Z. Danielewski, D.J. MacHale, Jean M. Auel, Brandon Sanderson, Maggie Stiefvater, and Tamora Pierce.

If you feel you must stalk me, please message me for screen names on instant messaging services and the like.

Also, items with no star rating are as-yet unread.

The bibliophile's prayer:
Our Authors, which are published,
hallowed be your titles;
your hardback come;
your books be shelved,
by last name of by Dewey decimal.
Give us this day our daily reading.
And forgive us our dogears,
as we forgive late returners for a fee.
And lead us not into vanity publishing;
but deliver us from TV.
For yours is the poetry,
the fact, and the fiction,
From cover to cover.

The End
City by the Mountains
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