
sight words (5), rhyming (4), colors (3), cause and effect (3), Children's Literature - Good and bad behavior (3), it's more suitable for junior high students (2), animals (2), different perspectives (2), science (2), alliteration (2), it was a little hard to read) (1), Children's Literature - This a good book to discuss sensitive topics like divorce (1), so I know it'd be a great book for topics like these. (1), the two girls in the story go between two houses after their parents divorce and turns out their cat does the same thing. This book really hit home for me (1), letter writing in the form of a post card (1), and different perspectives. the students could imagine writing a letter from a different country or state. (1), Children's Literature - A great book to talk about colors (1), Children's Literature - This is perfect for teaching students about what you do with an idea (1), Children's Literature - Another great book to discuss colors (1), they think it's hilarious. (1), and letter writing. I actually did a mini lesson with this on letter writing and students loved it. The students also love the book (1), English (1), inventive way to introduce the purpose of the exclamation mark and what we use it for. I think this would be perfect for smaller grades when they're just learning about the exclamation and question mark. (1), and what we do when we brainstorm for writing (1), or any other subject for that matter. (1), Children's Literature - A funny (1), Children's Literature - Most of the book is great for repetition (1), Children's Literature - A classic story (1), but with Spanish words sprinkled in (1), it's perfect for a bilingual class or just for learning some new Spanish words. Also good for sight words and rhyming. (1), Children's Literature - This book discusses so many things like gender identification (1), what it means to love someone (1), and how we support our friends and family. It's also good for learning about worms because they don't have genders and are asexual. Very cute book overall. (1), Children's Literature - A book that is personified and talks to the reader opens up the reader's imagination. You could do so many things with this including (1), what type of writer this is (1), what type of audience are they looking for (1), alliteration (tons of it (1), Children's Literature - This is a good book to talk about onomatopoeia and what it is and how we use them in a story. It also includes rhyming and a variety of farm animals to discuss. (1), short rhyming verses throughout. (1), even a dog. It also talks about the process of measuring what it takes to care for a dog. It's a good math lesson. (1), Children's Literature - On every page in this book it lists sight and other words that begin with that letter. It's good for learning ABC's and especially alliteration (1), Children's Literature - There are so many things you could do with this book (1), including repetition (1), Children's Literature - This book is another classic (1), perfect for counting (1), and nonsense words. (1), Children's Literature - Another great beginner book that specializes in repetition (1), and nonsense words. Great for students who need help with rhyming and predictions. (1), Children's Literature - I like this Dr. Suess because it shows students how hard it can be to make decisions and the process of it. And (1), it includes repetition (1), and many nonsense words that make it fun for the reader. (1), Children's Literature - This is the perfect book for teaching about measuring and the different types of units you can use to measure something (1), Children's Literature - This is a small book good for teaching repetition and rhyming. It is classified as a love poem from a parent to a child and is a very easy read for middle readers. (1), it's also good because it is in poem form (1), Children's Literature - I like this book because it talks about perspective and I think that's very important to teach to students. It's also a great lesson for repetition (1), and what animals we may see at the park. (1), Children's Literature - While this may be one of my least favorite books (1), it is a great book for sequencing and predictions. (1), Children's Literature - Good book for the holidays and repetition. It also talks about different perceptions. (1), Children's Literature - A great dual language book with lots of Spanish sight words as well as English. Not only would it be good for a dual language classroom (1), but also to discuss adoption in a more uplifting way (1), while still be sensitive to the situation. (1), what do they say to make it interesting even though it has no pictures? (1), Children's Literature - First off (1), the artwork is great in this book (1), you could do a whole lesson on that by itself. This is good for science to talk about food webs (1), does a book have to have pictures (1), Children's Literature - A book with real pictures (1), Children's Literature - Very good book for repetition (1), no matter how different we are. (1), so it's not only showing the letter (1), but a picture and name of the animal to show the reader. (1), Children's Literature - I love this book because it talks about the types of fish (1), the dads (1), that take care of their babies and hold them until they hatch. It's also beautiful artwork by Eric Carle and even has some transparent pages for the reader to enjoy. (1), Children's Literature - This would be a good book to talk about groundhog day and what happens and why we think they can predict the weather. You could also talk about hibernation. It's a little bit of a longer book (1), more for a middle reader. (1), Children's Literature - I like this book because while it is funny and playful for kids (1), it also teaches the unpredictability of technology and how we can't rely on it for everything. This would be a good technology lesson. (1), Children's Nonfiction - I love this book because it tells the story of a village in Kenya that wanted to give the gift of 14 cows to America after the tragedy of 9/11. It's a beautiful way to give a history lesson to students (1), as well as talking about friendship and empathy for others (1), Juvenile fiction chapter books - I like this book because there is so much students can take away from it (1), Children's Literature - A small form of a chapter book that talks about animals from different countries coming together and being kind and friendly to one another. It also discusses finding the superhero within yourself and how you treat others the way y (1), including culture shock (1), racism/stereotypes (1), and how we treat others. It would be a great book for a literature circle. (1), Children's Literature - A beginner level book with chapters and even an introduction. It has a good use of sight words and repetition for readers (1), it's also an AR book. (1), Children's Literature - This is a great book to teach students about chronological order (1), and different writing formats (1), like keeping a diary. (1), Children's Nonfiction - A good nonfiction book that includes a table of contents and chapters (1), or high level readers. It goes into depth the works of Albert Einstein and what he contributed to the science world. (1), Children's Nonfiction - Another good nonfiction book (1), like "Who Was Albert Einstein?" that includes a table of contents and chapters (1), Children's Literature - This book goes through the alphabet but each letter is paired with an endangered animal (1), can do for themselves and the community. (1), and sequencing for students. (1), Children's Literature - There are three short stories tied into this one book (1), Children's Wordless Picture Book - This book has pages of beautiful artwork where students can infer and predict where she will go next when she draws with her red marker. Students could also create their own story since it is wordless and they can take t (1), Children's Literature - A great book that uses color as a symbol and leaves the student wondering about their own story and what they leave behind in the world. A simple yet effective book for teaching the importance of someone's role in life. (1), Children's Literature - This book is good for discussing author's purpose and intention. It also discusses creating a plan and invites the reader to be a part of the book and talks to the reader. (1), exsposing them to the Spanish language (1), good to use for repetition (1), and how to be a good friend and how to behave in those situations. (1), Children's Literature - This book is the epitome of repetition and humorous imagination just for the fun of it. You could also discuss cause and effect (1), which is a big theme in this book. (1), Children's Literature - This book brings up the questions of imaginary friends and where we come up with them (1), how we come up with them (1), and are they really waiting to be picked by a child. It also shows how only kids can see imaginary friends and the color they bring to life when imagined. (1), each containing a story about the importance of friendship (1), or in this case a dinosaur (1), and perceptions and assumptions about one another. (1), Children's Literature - This a good book for a beginner reader. You could use it for sight words (1), especially the kites. It is short (1), and repetitive. (1), Children's Literature - This book contains rhyming (1), and a lot of good sight words to discuss. It's great for beginner or middle readers depending on how deep you want to go with the book. (1), Children's Literature - This a good book to discuss repetition (1), creating steps to meet a goal (1), and critical thinking skills. It also has many sight words and talks about perception. (1), Children's Literature - I like this book because it doesn't discuss the fox that's following Rosie (1), so students can infer or predict what's going to happen. It's also written for beginner readers with big print and a good use of sight words. (1), Children's Literature - This is a short book with not much meat to it. You could discuss cause and effect as well as the many things one person (1), as well as counting. (1), Nonfiction - I love this book because it gives the student a off the page glimpse of maps around the world (1), and has real life pictures which is great for ELL's. I could use this when learning about money (1), the book is filled with them. It can also be a great lesson on bullying and behavior. Science could also be incorporated (1), interactive lesson for students. (1), Children's Literature - This is a great book to use for reading and writing lessons because it's oozing with higher level vocabulary words and common proverbs people use. (1), more geared to little kids (1), rhymes. Could also be tied with science with the dinosaurs. (1), more or little kids (1), rhymes. Could also be tied with science. Lessons on creative and imaginative writing. (1), rhymes. This could be great because you can tie it in with a hygiene or cleanliness lesson for the kids. It could also be tied in with science. (1), Children's Literature - I personally loved reading this book. It was half wordless picture book and half story book. You could do so many lessons with this book like the importance of the alphabet (1), our letters and numbers (1), how it can be a great thing to be different and how that difference can make the world a better place! (1), Children's Literature - This is a great story that can easily tie in some good vocabulary words (1), as well as geography. (1), knowing everyone is different. This is also a great book that ties in very easily with music and dance (1), Children's Literature - This is a good book that discusses new additions to the family so they students might have something to relate to. There's a good list of vocabulary as well. (1), Children's Literature - This is a little spin on the old classic but with a different ending (1), so this is a good story for predictions. It also has beautiful (1), colorful artwork by watercolor (1), it's gorgeous. (1), Children's Literature - Where to begin with this book (1), it's great for vocabulary (1), and recipes. This is a really good story while learning how to add recipes or fractions (1), also how to create a recipe. (1), Children's Literature - This book celebrates different languages (1), and people. It's a fantastic (1), short book to read when discussing differences and traveling. As well as all the forms of transportation and communication. (1), which could be a really great (1), Children's Literature - Lessons about perspective (1), so already you have a culture/history/geography lesson right there. It is a also a good example of not being a team player and other behaviors. It is also based off legend (1), adjectives (1), nonfiction (1), history (1), reading (1), time (1), culture (1), problem solving (1), numbers (1), repetition (1), predictions (1), phonics (1), of course (1), blends (1), or imaginative and creative writing. Second through fifth grade. (1), perspective (1), cultures (1), easy (1), transportation (1), and shapes (1), and rhyming. (1), how to use it (1), different artwork (1), and so much more. (1), Children's Literature - This could be used for several discussion (1), teaching about different perceptions (1), aiding in creating a persuasion piece (1), Children's Literature - This is a very interesting book because it didn't turn out the way I thought it would. There are so many things you could do with this book. It talks about the Chinese Zodiac (1), which could also be a great lesson (1), partly in English and partly in Spanish. It discuses what money is (1), Children's Literature - This book also has plenty of repetition and also ties in with the Ol' McDonald song. It's a different take on a classic children's song. It also highlights sight words (1), Children's Literature - I very much enjoyed reading this book myself. While it's a little long (1), it's a very good (1), imaginative story excellent for making predictions because it's hard to predict the outcome. I would use this for an imaginative writing lesson! (1), Children's Literature - This book has a lot of good repetition and it also discusses how we feel when we feel ignored and what we do in those situations. That is probably what I would use it for (1), but I don't love this book (1), it was just okay. (1), Children's Nonfiction - This book has a real life picture of an animal on each page with it's name (1), and some characteristics like claw or eyes that are pointed to them. It's great for beginner readers because there aren't that many words. You could do so much with this (1), the alphabet. (1), Children's Literature - This book has tons or repetition (1), perfect for younger readers. It also has different sight words and vocabulary you could see in the woods or the forest. (1), and the five "W's". (1), colorful way. Beautiful artwork and also includes the different senses. (1), Children's Nonfiction - This is a fun and engaging book about the history (1), and art of humans (1), how we scientifically came to be (1), how we are related (1), what we have created throughout time. It's a very interesting book of facts more geared to older kids. You could do every subject with this book (1), especially History and Science. (1), Nonfiction - Highlighting everything from land forms and climate to food and transportation (1), this book has all the information abut Japan in a kid-friendly format. You could use it for geography (1), and phonics in general. (1), friendship (1), but also gives facts about continents and countries. Students will love this because it gives them a visual not a lot of books can because some of it is in 3-D. (1), Children's Nonfiction - This is a Dual language book (1), Children's Literature - A god book to learn about opposites because they're bolded in the book so it makes them easier to spot. (1), but it does so in an interesting (1), as well as predictions. (1), or even personal hygiene! This is a very funny book and I am certainly planning on using it in my future classroom. (1), Children's Literature - A good book for vocabulary and predictions. It also bring up the question (1), do we have the right to silent someone? (1), Children's Literature - I really liked this short story because it discusses famous "scary stories" (1), but makes them more relatable to young kids. I would use this to talk about different genres and all the various books we can find in the library. (1), Children's Literature - This a cute short story that is perfect for smaller kids. It also has a CD with it to narrate the story (1), along with pop-ups in the book (1), so it's very interactive. It would also be a great story to read while learning about the moon phases (1), as well as discussing family dynamics. (1), Children's Literature - This short book has a lot of repetition and sight words (1), so it's perfect for struggling readers! It's also very cute to discuss friendship. (1), Children's Literature - I personally loved this book because it's filled with bad jokes and hilarious wit for adults. It discusses the fear that many kids have when going to the dentist (1), which is great because you could do a whole lesson on that (1), Children's Literature - A short book that talks about how we act sometimes when we're grumpy and how we can cheer other people up by sharing gifts and making them smile. It's also good to discuss how we treat our friends. (1), it teaches you about animals (1), Children's Literature - I'm really not a fan of this book (1), I probably wouldn't use it for a read aloud or book share. There's really no lesson from except what not to do perhaps. (1), Children's Literature - This is a good book for younger readers (1), maybe a good first day of school book to read to the class. It also has a lot of repetition and onomatopoeia's (1), along with plenty sight words. (1), Children's Literature - A book with number sequencing (1), and a fun surprise at the end (1), very cute book. It shows all the numbers and the order in which they go and it shows all the animals' names under each one. (1), Children's Literature - This book is very cool because it's actually shaped like New Jersey (1), it makes me want to buy all the state books. It's very informational (1), includes facts and stories all about the state. (1), Children's Literature - I'm a big fan of this book because it is nonfiction (1), or high level readers. It goes into depth the works of Da Vinci and what he contributed to the art world. (1)
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Sep 2, 2016

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