Nome vero
Jarrod Barbetta
La mia biblioteca

What about my Library? It’s a mixed bag of specific interests of mine, research material, and entertainment. It runs the gamut from “lowbrow” to “highbrow” (whatever that’s supposed to mean), all art is subjective. Life’s too short, if you find yourself jammed up with a “difficult” book, that’s a horrific slog through hot molasses, dump it like your middle school crush and move on to the next.

Informazione su di me

I like to imagine myself as a completed novel, robust, full of character and intrigue. But this is the internet so let’s be honest with ourselves, I’m an unfinished draft that sits in a desk draw, hoping that the next time it’s opened that I finally get finished.

In your desk draw with your other unfinished manuscripts
Pagina principale
In lettura ora

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Biblioteca interessante