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Philip Kinsella
La mia biblioteca
Classic and modern fiction: psycholgy, social history, food, music, poetry, arts. Favourite Authors: DH Lawrence; Orwell; Conan Doyle; Hemingway; Tolstoy; Aaron Beck; Christopher Hibbert; Carol Anne Duffy; Christopher Hitchens and lots more.
Informazione su di me
I have always been a book lover since I was a child in Scotland. Moving from 'Just William' (read these now to my children), to Sherlock Holmes, to Tolkien and Salinger and Orwell as a teenager. Since then I read a variety of books that must be written elegantly, tell a good tale, and hopefully make me think a bit differently about the world.
I work as a psychotherapist and lecturer in the field of CBT in Nottingham, UK, which is a job I love. I'm married with two children, and try to encourage their reading habit in the age of distraction!
I love bookshops and literary festivals: I'm a regular at Hay on Wye and the Edinburgh book festival. I'm enjoying this website and investigating other people's collections and bookish interests.
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