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Oct 23, 2006
Nome vero
Peter Muir
La mia biblioteca
I've now part way through cataloguing my theological library that has been built up over the past twenty years. I reckon I have about 1,500 books in total. There are also another 2,000+ books in the house on general and esoteric subjects plus fiction that I doubt I will ever catalogue. We have a wonderful food and drink library since we always buy a recipe book of that country's indiginous cuisine whenever we visit a new foreign country. Having travelled extensively round the world we have about 10 linear feet of such books.
Informazione su di me
I was ordained a Priest in the Church of England on 3rd July 2010 and serve as Associate Vicar in the parish of Thursley and am also Curate in the parish Elstead, Surrey. (Info correct as 13.09.13)
Thursley, Surrey, England
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