
Genre/form: Fiction (12), Genre/form: Realistic Fiction (6), Genre/Form: Realistic Fiction (4), Key concepts/themes: family (3), humor (3), imagination (3), overcoming hardships (2), inferring (2), Genre/form: Realistic/Historical Fiction (2), detective work (2), hope (2), uncertainty (2), Key concepts/themes: mystery (2), Key concepts/themes: memories (2), Key concepts/themes: Thanksgiving (2), problem solving (2), family (2), Genre/form: Informative teaching book/memoir (2), Key concepts/themes: believing/pursuing one's dreams and goals (1), Genre/form: Biography/Nonfiction (1), Key concepts/themes: Halloween (1), what makes a good and safe Halloween party (1), bad misbehavior and its consequences (1), watching out for strangers (1), knowing when to say no (1), Key concepts/themes: Civil Rights movement (1), making history as a Latino woman (1), magic (1), Key concepts/themes: not giving in to what others say (1), passion for helping others in need of support (1), Key concepts/themes: making a difference (1), pursuing one's true passion (1), Key concepts/themes: making friends (1), Key concepts/themes: believing in oneself (1), Genre/Form: Fiction (1), revealing the true story (1), a story told from someone else's eyes/viewpoint (1), a native's perspective (1), Key concepts/themes: Columbus' voyage (1), striving towards goals (1), closely examining life's day-to-day affairs (1), instilling in children that anyone can become a writer (written from a kid's perspective) (1), Fiction Key concepts/themes: humor (1), overcoming pressures from peers (1), pursuing a better life (1), changing one's views/perspectives of other people (1), Key concepts/themes: Afghanistan women (1), Key concepts/themes: teaching strategies/tips for effective literacy in the classroom (1), making friendships (1), how the same came to be (1), Key concepts/themes: Native American legends/folk tales (1), Genre/form: Legend/Folk Tale (1), challenges and struggles leading up to the first Thanksgiving (1), teaching about historical events and people with a fun twist for children (1), time warping (1), Key concepts/themes: Marco Polo (1), Genre/form: Historical Fiction/Fantasy (1), telling every child that they have an important tale to tell! (1), inspiring children to write and find their own stories (1), Key concepts/themes: writing (1), the belief of an education for all (1), determining clues (1), using diagrams/maps/charts (1), backwards story telling (1), Key concepts/themes: solving mysteries (1), reading strategy of making predictions (1), Key concepts/themes: music (1), trust in one another (1), working and banding together as one (1), Key concepts/themes: cause and effect (how one event impacts a series of other events) (1), Key concepts/themes: new encounters with new people (1), Genre/form: Mystery (1), or things (1), explaining things when we don't really know the answers (1), being able to listen to what others have to say (1), Genre/form: Realistic Fiction/Nonfiction (1), Key concepts/themes: bats (1), realizing that bats are not out there to harm us (1), Genre/form: Graphica (1), Key concepts/themes: hard times (1), working through hard times (1), family hardships (1), Mystery (1), Halloween (1), Rosa Parks (1), standing up for one's self (1), places (1), pilgrims (1), curiosities (1), Taliban (1), native americans (1), hope for the future (1), reflexes (1), predicting (1), giving thanks (1), fears (1), shiver (1), renewal (1), perseverance (1), super heroes (1), Pacific Northwest (1), taking sides (1), trickery (1), memories (1), adversity (1), neighborhood (1), justice (1), curiosity (1), social change (1), courage (1), secrets (1), finding one's identity (1), overcoming differences (1), Key concepts/themes: keys to success in life (1), feeling rejected (1), Motivational text (1), Genre/form: Autobiography (1), backing one's beliefs with reasons (1), Key concepts/themes: optical illusions (1), shortcuts aren't always the best or smartest routes to take (1), curiosity turning into danger (1), looking through other people's perspectives (1), examining findings (1), Key concepts/themes: map (1), Genre/form: Non-narrative form (1), and yawn (1), Key concepts/themes: why we sneeze (1), Genre/form: Scicene/informational text (1), finding one's true home (1), working hard (1), sticking together as one (1), out of this world phenomena! (1), Key concepts/themes: overcoming differences (1), Genre/form: Ficiton (1), Theme/concepts: inventions (1), Theme concepts: families working through adversity (1), finding clues (1), making a difference in the world (1), learning to get along (1), helping one another (1), standing up for what's right (1), the Depression (1), hiccup (1), realistic fition (1), Key concepts/themes: teaching children independence in their writing (1)
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Sep 13, 2010