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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 29, 2011
Nome vero
St. Sylvester's Monastery (Monte Fano)
La mia biblioteca
Our library serves the spiritual and informational needs of the Sylvestrine Benedictine community in Sri Lanka, which was founded from Italy in the middle of the 19th century. More specifically it provides resources for theological study, material for the scholarly, teaching and pastoral pursuits of our monks and material for spiritual reading and Lectio Divina.The Sylvestrine Benedictines also have monasteries and libraries of their Order in Italy,
Australia , India, in the United States and in The Philippines.
Informazione su di me
Check this link for an excellent Catholic ELibrary: http://sharingtheword.intersearch.com.au
Ampitiya, Kandy, Sri Lanka
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