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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jan 31, 2011
La mia biblioteca
I'm reluctantly beginning to cull my books as I'm running out of space and everywhere I turn I come across another pile of books. When I lend books to friends I can now say - pass it on more often than I did and I return books to charity shops unless it's an absolute gem.
I'm also a devourer of cookery books.
Informazione su di me
I love reading - devoid of a book or a newspaper I'll read the back of a sauce bottle. I'm very eclectic in my tastes but I suppose predominantly I enjoy women authors, from Anne Tyler, Margaret Atwood, Maggie O'Farrel and Hilary Mantel. I'm now less likely to perservere with a book which doesn't engage my interest within the 1st 50 pages or so because there are so many books out there and time is finite.

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