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Informazione su di me
Me? Well I'm a rather diverse person. Borrowing a line from Mr. Tim Allen, "I'm a rubik's cube in pants." I like what I like and I try not to let anyone else's opinion of something affect my own. I like to think I'm unique...absolutely one of a kind. I'm the proud mother of a beautiful, smart, funny, strong-willed, and independent little girl. I wouldn't change that or her for anything in this world. I'm happily married to a fantastic man. We're your average, normal, everyday couple. We take the bad with the good... although thank goodness there's usually more good than bad. Lastly, I'm an aspiring writer. Last year I finally discovered what it is I want to do with my life. (Career wise) I'm eagerly pursuing a career as an editor. I still have some schooling left to finish but right now that's on hold so in the mean time...I'm writing. It's amazing how much I love to write. Almost as much as I love to read. I'm hoping to have my first novel finished some time around June/July of next year. Very long process. Who knows maybe one day instead of reading about me you'll be reading a book written by me.
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