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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Oct 5, 2013
La mia biblioteca
I'm slowly updating this new LibraryThing account and have barely scratched the surface. This is a work in progress. There will be more to see later...

The key to some of my tags by number:
1 .......... Liber B vel Magi
2 .......... Message of The Master Therion, The
3 .......... Liber vel Jugorum
4 .......... Liber ABA (Magick)
5 .......... Liber V vel Reguli
6 .......... Liber O vel Manus et Sagitae
7 .......... Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli
8 .......... 8th Aether Liber CCCCXVIII
9 .......... Liber E vel Exercitiorum
10 ........ Liber Porta Lucis
11 ........ Liber NU
13 ........ Liber Graduum Montis Abiegni
15 ........ Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ
16 ........ Liber Turris vel Domus Dei
17 ........ Liber IAO
21 ........ Khing Kang King - The Classic of Purity
24 ........ De Nuptis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus
25 ........ Star Ruby, The
27 ........ Liber Trigrammaton
28 ........ Liber Septem Regum Sanctorum - The Ceremony of the Seven Holy Kings
30 ........ Liber Librae - The Book of the Balance
31 A...... Liber L. vel Legis (manuscript)
31 ........ Diary of Frater Achad, The
33 ........ An Account of A.'.A.'.
36 ........ Star Sapphire, The
41 ........ Thien Tao
44 ........ Mass of the Phoenix, The
46 ........ Key of the Mysteries, The
49 ........ Collected writings of Jack Parsons, The
51 ........ Lost Continent, The
52 ........ Manifesto of the OTO
55 ........ Chymical Jousting of Brother Perardua, The
58 ........ Gematria (from "The Temple of Solomon the King")
59 ........ Across the Gulf
60 ........ Ab-ul-Diz Working, The
61 ........ Liber Causae
64 ........ Liber Israfel
65 ........ Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente
66 ........ Liber Stellae Rubeae
67 ........ Sword of Song, The
70 ........ Liber LXX - The Cross of a Frog
71 ........ Voice of the Silence, The / Two Paths, The / Seven Portals, The
73 ........ Urn, The
74 ........ Liber Testis Testitudinis vel ע ד sub figurâ LXXIV
77 ........ Liber OZ
78 ........ A Description of the Cards of the Tarot
81 ........ Moonchild (The Butterfly Net)
84 ........ Liber Chanokh
90 ........ Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus
93 ........ Fountain of Hyacinth, The
95 ........ Wake World, The
96 ........ Liber Gaias, A Handbook of Geomancy
97 ........ Soror Achitha's Vision - The Amalantrah Working
100 ....... Agape, Azoth
101 ....... An Open Letter to those who may wish to join the Order
106 ....... Concerning Death
111 ....... Liber Aleph
120 ....... Liber Cadaveris, Ritual of passing through the Tuat, The
132 ....... Apotheosis
148 ....... Soldier and the hunchback, The
150 ....... De Lege Libellum
151 ....... Liber QNA vel Namen Dei
156 ....... Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni
157 ....... Tao Teh Ching
161 ....... Law of Thelema, The
165 ....... A Master of the Temple
175 ....... Liber Astarte vel Liber Berylli
185 ....... Liber Colegii Sancti
194 ....... An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order
197 ....... High History of Good Sir Palamedes the Saracen Knight and of his following of the Questing Beast
200 ....... Liber Resh vel Helios
206 ....... Liber RU vel Spiritus
207 ....... A syllabus of the official instructions of the A.'.A.'.
216 ....... Book of Changes/ I Ching, The
220 ....... Liber AL vel Legis, The Book of the Law (typescript)
228 ....... De Natura Deorum
231 ....... Liber Arcanorum
242 ....... AHA!
265 ....... Structure of the Mind, The
300 ....... Khaps am Pekht
325 ....... An Evocation of Bartzabal, the Spirit of Mars
333 ....... Book of lies, The
335 ....... Adonis an Allegory
341 ....... Liber H.H.H.
343 ....... AMRITA
365 ....... Preliminary Invocation of the Goetia, The
367 ....... De Homunculo
370 ....... Liber A'ash vel Capricorni Pneumatici
400 ....... Liber Tau vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum
412 ....... Liber A vel Armorum
414 ....... De Arte Magica
415 ....... Opus Lutetianum, Paris Working, The (including Esoteric record and sundrys)
418 ....... Liber XXX AErum vel Saeculi, Vision & the Voice, The
451 B .... Liber CDLI - Eroto-comatose Lucidity
451 D .... Liber Siloam
474 ....... Liber Os Abysmi vel Daath
489 ....... One Star in Sight
500 ....... Sepher Sephiroth
536 ....... A Treatise on Astrology
536 ....... Liber Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia
555 ....... Liber HAD
570 ....... Liber DCCCXIII vel Ararita
633 ....... De Thaumaturgia
666 ....... Liber Artemis Iota vel De Coitu Scholia Triviae
670 ....... Liber Pyramidos
671 ....... Liber DCLXXI vel Pyramidos
700 ....... Liber Vesta vel פרכח
729 ....... Amalantrah Working, The
777 ....... 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico Mysticae
800 ....... Liber Samekh
808 ....... Serpentis Nehushtan
811 C .... Energised Enthusiasm
811 D .... Liber Collegii Internii
813 ....... Liber Ararita sub figura DLXX
831 ....... Liber Yod/Liber IOD
837 ....... Law of Liberty, The
850 ....... Rites of Eleusis, The
860 ....... John St. John
868 ....... Liber Viarum Viae
888 ....... Gospel According to Saint Bernard Shaw, The
913 ....... Liber ThIShARB
934 ....... Cactus, The
963 ....... Treasurehouse of Images, The
1151 ..... Liber MCLI
1264 ..... Greek Qabalah, The
2911 ..... A Note on Genesis

The key to some of my tags by name:

777 ...... 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico Mysticae
8 .......... 8th Aether Liber CCCCXVIII
78 ........ A Description of the Cards of the Tarot
165 ...... A Master of the Temple
2911 .... A Note on Genesis
207 ...... A syllabus of the official instructions of the A.'.A.'.
536 ...... A Treatise on Astrology
60 ........ Ab-ul-Diz Working, The
59 ........ Across the Gulf
335 ...... Adonis an Allegory
100 ...... Agape, Azoth
242 ...... AHA!
729 ...... Amalantrah Working, The
343 ...... AMRITA
33 ........ An Account of A.'.A.'.
325 ...... An Evocation of Bartzabal, the Spirit of Mars
194 ...... An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order
101 ...... An Open Letter to those who may wish to join the Order
132 ...... Apotheosis
216 ...... Book of Changes/ I Ching, The
333 ...... Book of lies, The
934 ...... Cactus, The
55 ........ Chymical Jousting of Brother Perardua, The
49 ........ Collected writings of Jack Parsons, The
106 ...... Concerning Death
414 ...... De Arte Magica
367 ...... De Homunculo
150 ...... De Lege Libellum
228 ...... De Natura Deorum
24 ........ De Nuptis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus
633 ...... De Thaumaturgia
31 ........ Diary of Frater Achad, The
15 ........ Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ
811 C ... Energised Enthusiasm
93 ........ Fountain of Hyacinth, The
58 ........ Gematria (from "The Temple of Solomon the King")
888 ...... Gospel According to Saint Bernard Shaw, The
1264 .... Greek Qabalah, The
197 ...... High History of Good Sir Palamedes the Saracen Knight and of his following of the Questing Beast
860 ...... John St. John
46 ........ Key of the Mysteries, The
300 ...... Khaps am Pekht
21 ........ Khing Kang King - The Classic of Purity
837 ...... Law of Liberty, The
161 ...... Law of Thelema, The
412 ...... Liber A vel Armorum
370 ...... Liber A'ash vel Capricorni Pneumatici
4 .......... Liber ABA (Magick)
220 ...... Liber AL vel Legis, The Book of the Law (typescript)
111 ...... Liber Aleph
813 ...... Liber Ararita sub figura DLXX
231 ...... Liber Arcanorum
666 ...... Liber Artemis Iota vel De Coitu Scholia Triviae
175 ...... Liber Astarte vel Liber Berylli
1 .......... Liber B vel Magi
536 ...... Liber Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia
120 ...... Liber Cadaveris, Ritual of passing through the Tuat, The
61 ........ Liber Causae
451 B ... Liber CDLI - Eroto-comatose Lucidity
84 ........ Liber Chanokh
156 ...... Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni
185 ...... Liber Colegii Sancti
811 D ... Liber Collegii Internii
65 ........ Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente
570 ...... Liber DCCCXIII vel Ararita
671 ...... Liber DCLXXI vel Pyramidos
9 .......... Liber E vel Exercitiorum
96 ........ Liber Gaias, A Handbook of Geomancy
13 ........ Liber Graduum Montis Abiegni
341 ...... Liber H.H.H.
555 ...... Liber HAD
17 ........ Liber IAO
64 ........ Liber Israfel
31 A...... Liber L. vel Legis (manuscript)
7 .......... Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli
30 ........ Liber Librae - The Book of the Balance
70 ........ Liber LXX - The Cross of a Frog
1151 .... Liber MCLI
11 ........ Liber NU
6 .......... Liber O vel Manus et Sagitae
474 ...... Liber Os Abysmi vel Daath
77 ........ Liber OZ
10 ........ Liber Porta Lucis
670 ...... Liber Pyramidos
151 ...... Liber QNA vel Namen Dei
200 ...... Liber Resh vel Helios
206 ...... Liber RU vel Spiritus
800 ...... Liber Samekh
28 ........ Liber Septem Regum Sanctorum - The Ceremony of the Seven Holy Kings
451 D ... Liber Siloam
66 ........ Liber Stellae Rubeae
400 ...... Liber Tau vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum
74 ........ Liber Testis Testitudinis vel ע ד sub figurâ LXXIV
913 ...... Liber ThIShARB
27 ........ Liber Trigrammaton
16 ........ Liber Turris vel Domus Dei
90 ........ Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus
5 .......... Liber V vel Reguli
3 .......... Liber vel Jugorum
700 ...... Liber Vesta vel פרכח
868 ...... Liber Viarum Viae
418 ...... Liber XXX AErum vel Saeculi, Vision & the Voice, The
831 ...... Liber Yod/Liber IOD
51 ........ Lost Continent, The
52 ........ Manifesto of the OTO
44 ........ Mass of the Phoenix, The
2 .......... Message of The Master Therion, The
81 ........ Moonchild (The Butterfly Net)
489 ...... One Star in Sight
415 ...... Opus Lutetianum, Paris Working, The (including Esoteric record and sundrys)
365 ...... Preliminary Invocation of the Goetia, The
850 ...... Rites of Eleusis, The
500 ...... Sepher Sephiroth
808 ...... Serpentis Nehushtan
148 ...... Soldier and the hunchback, The
97 ........ Soror Achitha's Vision - The Amalantrah Working
25 ........ Star Ruby, The
36 ........ Star Sapphire, The
265 ...... Structure of the Mind, The
67 ........ Sword of Song, The
157 ...... Tao Teh Ching
41 ........ Thien Tao
963 ...... Treasurehouse of Images, The
73 ........ Urn, The
71 ........ Voice of the Silence, The / Two Paths, The / Seven Portals, The
95 ........ Wake World, The


Connessioni ad altri utenti

Biblioteca interessante