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Aug 13, 2013
Nome vero
Muslim Peace Fellowship
La mia biblioteca

In the Generous Qur’an, God commands la ikrâha fîd-dîn: “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (2:256) We hold that the beauty of Islam can only reach fruition in a conscious and voluntary global harmony – a world worth living in for everyone. We believe this is more than a dream: we have a chance.
Informazione su di me

Muslim Peace Fellowship (Ansâr as-Salâm), founded in 1994, was the first Muslim organization specifically devoted to the theory and practice of Islamic nonviolence. We understand unarmed struggle in pursuit of wise, just, and compassionate social transformation to be the original and enduring genius of the Prophetic jihad. Part membership group, part think tank, and part movement builder, MPF is a gathering of peace and justice-oriented Muslims of all backgrounds who are dedicated to making the beauty of Islam evident in the world.

5 Cricketown Road Stony Point New York 10980
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