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Museum of 20th Century Warfare Library
La mia biblioteca
Our library is designed as a research and reference library. We strive to have a strong military history collection better than most public libraries in the area. We do not lend books out but encourage students and visitors to use our comfortable library to do their research here. We have been in our building since May of 2010. We will try to help with your research as much as we can in person or through email, phone or Facebook.
Informazione su di me
M20CW-Museum of 20th Century Warfare is a military history museum located on the grounds of Fort Harrison State Park in Lawrence, IN (NE of Indianapolis). We have displays covering military history from 1900 to 2000 as the name implies and is also confluent with the period Ft Harrison was an active military base.
5753 Glenn Road, Fort Harrison State Park, Indianapolis, IN
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