
lesbian (221), f/f (220), romance (137), series (58), paranormal/sci-fi (39), mature characters (30s or older) (32), I want a book that makes me laugh (31), historical (30), suspense (29), humor (27), mystery (23), fantasy (21), adventure (20), erotica (20), short story (18), ethnic diversity/interracial couples (16), thriller (13), urban (13), vampires (13), crime (13), new adult (13), werewolves/shapeshifters (13), I want a book that makes me cry (13), young adult (11), UK (11), disabled characters (10), I want a book that makes me scared (9), no sex (8), couples with a significant age gap (8), characters that come out later in life (8), bisexual main characters (7), ghosts (7), childrens books (6), transgender/non-binary/woman passing as man (6), GLBT (6), victorian (6), taboo relationships (6), steampunk (5), space (4), crutches (4), dom/sub (4), wheelchair (4), 1950s (4), BDSM (4), novella (4), sports (4), hard-core sex (4), princess/queen/monarchy/royals/knights (4), fairy tales (4), dog as a main character (4), demons (3), plus size characters (3), pirate (3), horror (3), I want a book that makes me take action on something (3), hollywood (3), political (3), witches (3), classic (2), aliens (2), paranormal (2), western (2), zombies (2), valentine's day (2), australia (1), mermaids (1), archaeology (1), dramatic fiction (1), blind (1), horses (1), suspsense (1), military (1), queer (1), jinnyah (1), fbi (1), halloween (1), lesbian fiction (1), memoir style (1), succubus (1), selective mutism (1), anthology (1), deaf (1), Dawn Carter (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Mar 13, 2015
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Dawn Carter
Informazione su di me
Lesbian Book Readers Club offers members mixed with both readers and authors an opportunity to chat, mix it up with questions Q/A's promo's and fun.
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