
Fiction (687), Fantasy (318), SciFi (185), NonFiction (95), LTCBox03 (83), LTCBox05 (82), LTCBox02 (82), LTCBox04 (78), ForgottenRealms (78), StarWars (47), Audio (36), Discworld (31), r09 (24), Midkemia (22), Space (21), Pern (20), LTCBox01 (20), Bio (17), Military (14), Incarnations (14), Humor (14), Money (13), Celtic (12), Foundation (10), Science (10), Computer (10), Vampire (9), Matador (9), Dorsai (9), Job (9), Childe (9), Business (8), cooking (7), DragonLance (5), Ender (5), Folio (5), Mithgar (5), Cheysuli (5), Shannara (5), Database (4), Rama (4), Coldfire (3), BattleTech (3), Greyhawk (3), Apogee (3), Strategy (3), VR (3), BlackJewels (3), Lens (3), NanoTech (2), Alaska (2), Crime (2), Telecom (2), Mythology (2), History (2), Writing (2), Darkover (2), Physics (2), Ravenloft (2), Narnia (2), Reference (2), Home (2), Engineering (2), Art (1), Games (1), Dune (1), Philosophy (1), Zombie (1), SecondAmendment (1), Pirate (1), Economics (1), Occult (1), Conspiracy (1), Guns (1), Math (1)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 1, 2008
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
My tastes run mostly to science fiction fantasy with a dash of science and a little of everything else thrown in. I have a few boxes of my older books and some of my current reads entered now. Still more to be found. I haven't even started on my to be read piles (yes, piles, everywhere, multiplying). I'm working on getting my tags up to date and I definitely have to work on my ratings and get a more consistent system set up.

Blank Reg: "It's a book. It's a non-volatile storage medium. It's very rare. You should 'ave one."

My 75 Books Challenge for 2013 Thread

Informazione su di me
*knock*knock* Candygram ...

Austin, TX
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